So who wants a fully setup PWC shop in GA

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Why Me?
The Atl
Where's that miss know it all milf when you need her?
Let me guess........

In the kitchen baking on the DYNO

Well, you can say whatever the F*** you want to me or about me and I really wont give a flying flip...However, you sir are more than an attention whore, you are just a whore!!!!!!! So what if it is LPW??? Are you happy?? I am not sure what it is that Paul and or Kathy have ever done to you or for you or didnt do to you or for you and I really dont care, but let me find out what it is you do for a living and I will get on every website in that profession and slam the crap out of your abilities every chance I get...Let see how your business survives.....

You are also the reason I never post anything on this site anymore or even look at it..... I am tired of readin all your crap!!!! And I am sure that I am not the only one!!!!! I want to know if you out this much effort into your everyday life as you out into attempting to destroy someone? Cause if you do, then you are one tired man...I am not sure how you get anything done at work, you are always here making a damn mess of everything....

Oh, and before i sign off and never sign on again, I do have one quick question for you.... Have you never made a mistake??? Are you perfect??? Have you told an intruth???? Yeah that is what I thought, keep hiding behind the keyboard!!!!

Good bye to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So did the really short short short short guy just tell this ad is for real?
Does this mean dyno man will only be building super duper high HP motors that produce extreme bottom end while running a TNT chamber.
Oh, for anyone looking Gil has 1 for sale
Do you really think calling me short bothers me? LOL!!! Thats just one of a list of things that aid in my trollish appearance!
You will never keep Paul from doing his thing, and making you look like the worm you are, on and off the water.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Well, you can say whatever the F*** you want to me or about me and I really wont give a flying flip...However, you sir are more than an attention whore, you are just a whore!!!!!!! So what if it is LPW??? Are you happy?? I am not sure what it is that Paul and or Kathy have ever done to you or for you or didnt do to you or for you and I really dont care, but let me find out what it is you do for a living and I will get on every website in that profession and slam the crap out of your abilities every chance I get...Let see how your business survives.....

You are also the reason I never post anything on this site anymore or even look at it..... I am tired of readin all your crap!!!! And I am sure that I am not the only one!!!!! I want to know if you out this much effort into your everyday life as you out into attempting to destroy someone? Cause if you do, then you are one tired man...I am not sure how you get anything done at work, you are always here making a damn mess of everything....

Oh, and before i sign off and never sign on again, I do have one quick question for you.... Have you never made a mistake??? Are you perfect??? Have you told an intruth???? Yeah that is what I thought, keep hiding behind the keyboard!!!!

Good bye to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's called "Ignore" you should give it a try.


Ride for life
North NJ
Well, you can say whatever the F*** you want to me or about me and I really wont give a flying flip...However, you sir are more than an attention whore, you are just a whore!!!!!!! So what if it is LPW??? Are you happy?? I am not sure what it is that Paul and or Kathy have ever done to you or for you or didnt do to you or for you and I really dont care, but let me find out what it is you do for a living and I will get on every website in that profession and slam the crap out of your abilities every chance I get...Let see how your business survives.....

You are also the reason I never post anything on this site anymore or even look at it..... I am tired of readin all your crap!!!! And I am sure that I am not the only one!!!!! I want to know if you out this much effort into your everyday life as you out into attempting to destroy someone? Cause if you do, then you are one tired man...I am not sure how you get anything done at work, you are always here making a damn mess of everything....

Oh, and before i sign off and never sign on again, I do have one quick question for you.... Have you never made a mistake??? Are you perfect??? Have you told an intruth???? Yeah that is what I thought, keep hiding behind the keyboard!!!!

Good bye to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not hiding behind crap. I'm out at plenty of events.
The only thing I do with my keybroad is type funny crap about a hack of motor builder that was ripping off my friends and ruining this sport.


Jersey Shore
Hi All,

Yes, I’m selling the Routine maintaince side of my company.
I have been blessed with a work venture that will afford me the luxury of not having to work on recreational runabout craft any longer for my living.
I can now do what my 1st love of watercraft is, building performance freeride stand-up’s
LPW is Not closing. It’s getting better!
I will have more efficient use of my time, with fewer distractions.
I will be able to have more time to ride with friends & enjoy the sport for what it is.

Have a Great Summer & see you on the water

Ski ya, Paul

There we have it mystery solved.


Анархия - мать порядка!
Hi All,

Yes, I’m selling the Routine maintaince side of my company.
I have been blessed with a work venture that will afford me the luxury of not having to work on recreational runabout craft any longer for my living.
I can now do what my 1st love of watercraft is, building performance freeride stand-up’s
LPW is Not closing. It’s getting better!
I will have more efficient use of my time, with fewer distractions.
I will be able to have more time to ride with friends & enjoy the sport for what it is.

Have a Great Summer & see you on the water

Ski ya, Paul

Cool, thanks Paul! You should join discussions like this on a regular basis, it's fun! :fing02:
Oh yeah, the next beer is on me. Same for the rest of the participants whenever I see you.
Thanks, this has been entertaining,

P.S. Good luck with the sale Paul! Just don't sell it to that sketchy wedoo weirdo! LOL


Анархия - мать порядка!
Well, you can say whatever the F*** you want to me or about me and I really wont give a flying flip...However, you sir are more than an attention whore, you are just a whore!!!!!!! So what if it is LPW??? Are you happy?? I am not sure what it is that Paul and or Kathy have ever done to you or for you or didnt do to you or for you and I really dont care, but let me find out what it is you do for a living and I will get on every website in that profession and slam the crap out of your abilities every chance I get...Let see how your business survives.....

You are also the reason I never post anything on this site anymore or even look at it..... I am tired of readin all your crap!!!! And I am sure that I am not the only one!!!!! I want to know if you out this much effort into your everyday life as you out into attempting to destroy someone? Cause if you do, then you are one tired man...I am not sure how you get anything done at work, you are always here making a damn mess of everything....

Oh, and before i sign off and never sign on again, I do have one quick question for you.... Have you never made a mistake??? Are you perfect??? Have you told an intruth???? Yeah that is what I thought, keep hiding behind the keyboard!!!!

Good bye to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, relax, John is just having fun. I believe you've heard a lot more crap talk at the races or the events, so why can't you take it in front of the computer screen? :swordfight:


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Hi All,

Yes, I’m selling the Routine maintaince side of my company.
I have been blessed with a work venture that will afford me the luxury of not having to work on recreational runabout craft any longer for my living.
I can now do what my 1st love of watercraft is, building performance freeride stand-up’s
LPW is Not closing. It’s getting better!
I will have more efficient use of my time, with fewer distractions.
I will be able to have more time to ride with friends & enjoy the sport for what it is.

Have a Great Summer & see you on the water

Ski ya, Paul

Nice to see ya on here, Paul. Good luck with the move. :cool2:
So the thread posted in March about Paul closing shop was the truth. At that time I heard that he had taken another job and was not going to be working on as many skis. So it is factual.. I don't have a beef with him I don't know how he has done it for so long.

I am having the same problems as Tiny. My phone isn't ringing either. The high gas prices and low economy makes people not fix their broken stuff. Unless they are taking them down to Wedoo's place...

Anyhow here is another monkey in this thread. And it also explains my feelings for the other shop mentioned in the thread.

Trinity Composites

Lightweight Evolution
Palm Bay, FL
So the thread posted in March about Paul closing shop was the truth. At that time I heard that he had taken another job and was not going to be working on as many skis. So it is factual.. I don't have a beef with him I don't know how he has done it for so long.

I am having the same problems as Tiny. My phone isn't ringing either. The high gas prices and low economy makes people not fix their broken stuff. Unless they are taking them down to Wedoo's place...

Anyhow here is another monkey in this thread. And it also explains my feelings for the other shop mentioned in the thread.
You need to move to Florida for the year round bumper boats. I think the fuel and economy have maybe helped the ski industry. I Know it sounds crazy, but I've seen more jet skis in the water and being trailered in my area than I have in several years. People are buying smaller boats and pwc at least in my area. And that is backed by two larger dealerships I know. People will always gravitate to the water. If they can't afford 20-40+ gal. an hour burn they will cut back and splash on something smaller.
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