I've heard... from a reliable source... who MAY or MAY NOT back flip women in bed.... that goat semen and play dough are unbelieveably robust when combined.... I'm just sayin.
So... one of my clues is all effed up. Wikipedia Effed me on 'The Thrill is Gone' clue, they effed me right in my goat hole. So I've decided that when I submit the second to the last clue, i'm going to make one long post, with ALL the clues, including the corrected clue. (If you want to be ahead of the game, you can search that clue in that place and you'll already know the answer!)
I had big plans to work on my ski on Saturday... Like... Hire a sitter to watch my kids so I can get something done. Unfortunately (or fortunately...) I've been asked to do some fauxtography work on Sat... So maybe Sunday, I dunno.
I'll post up the second to the last clue on Monday. And I'll take the 5th guess... of which one has already been received. I have not procured the prize yet because I want to try and tailor it to the winner (and what they drink..... :sneaky
BTW... on a somewhat personal note.... I went out with my boss and some clients last night..... And.....
I had a few....
more than I should of consumed....
So this morning......
Wish me luck today.