start a fn whining thread about your porches and 

:nana::nana::nana: pretty sure its a trinity thread!!!!!!!!!
I just saw Trinity makes X-2 hulls. Didn't know that.
Can he make SXR hulls that run SJ motor and pump? Just curious...
They do any size.
Kawasaki has absolutely zero parts that are better than Yamaha. Hull design maybe but still way to heavy.
So AM light SXR hull with all SJ hardware=bulletproof!okey:
And I bet I could crack a Kawi pole just by giving it a dirty look:jester:
How can anyone with the amount of time in this hobby that you have say Kawi motors are better quality motors? Even the quality of the castings is worse. Threads strip out more often and more easily. The crank life sucks (MOST unnacceptable.). The carb coupling sucks. They are heavy. The pumps rattle and make angry monster noises.
Did you leave yours stock and ride it for 5 years? Or did you immediately upgrade certain things and then ride it 5 years. And how often do you ride? How many hours on the ski?okey: