Unacceptable SURF boat mods - discuss


NE Tenn
Diffidently board shorts over wet suits should be classified under the title of "unacceptable".How did this thread get so off course?

This thread started out as bashing people's mods on their skis,now we have the apparel police getting involved in how we dress!

l declare this thread unacceptable...........



Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Well since we've moved on to apparel we might as well cover UNACCEPTABLE behavior. In surf riding, there's NO fist pumping OR riding around slowly kicking your feet deeper into your foot wells before a backy or a roll. That's dumber than a case of the Mondays and we all know what happens with that!
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And if someone is riding a wave, do not snake them and take the wave. Also if you are heading out and a rider is riding a wave, do not cross in front of the face. Go towards the breaking part of the wave and hop over the wave behind the rider so you do not chop up the face of the wave.


Creative RE Purchasing
Several guys on here pushing tow loops, I've always wondered why? When I used to race, they were required because the course marshals had a tow line with a hook on it which they could quickly catch a tow loop and get a downed skier out of danger, but when it comes to surf riding I don't see much difference between threading a tow rope through the bow eye or a tow loop. Someone help me out here?

Old thread, but responding here... You've got to be kidding right?

Imagine you're in the impact zone. You have 15 second before the next wave is gonna get you. How much easier is it to connect to a tow loop rather than thread a rope/strap through a bow fitting?


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
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Largo, Fl
Old thread, but responding here... You've got to be kidding right?

Imagine you're in the impact zone. You have 15 second before the next wave is gonna get you. How much easier is it to connect to a tow loop rather than thread a rope/strap through a bow fitting?

15 seconds... you Cali guys have it made!
We typically have about 5 seconds.
Tow loops are handy, I use my tow loops for more than just towing. Towing makes up about 5% of my use.

Back to the derail - This thread is about BOAT mods not fashion police. Any guy that cares what another dude is wearing has their chromosomes mixed up. Save that debate for PWCT.
Old thread, but responding here... You've got to be kidding right?

Imagine you're in the impact zone. You have 15 second before the next wave is gonna get you. How much easier is it to connect to a tow loop rather than thread a rope/strap through a bow fitting?

Nobody in Oceanside ever tows another rider when we are in the impact zone. It is an unneccesary risk of both riders and skis(Tanner Thomas's hand for example). If you break down, just hold on to your ski and the surf will push you in. Even if it is 6'+, as long as you hold on to your ski and you have a tightly secured hood, you will get pushed to shore.


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If you break down and still float you can get push by the wave.....done it.
If you are not floating.....well......you are phucked, and wish you probably had tow loops.



Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Old thread, but responding here... You've got to be kidding right?

Imagine you're in the impact zone. You have 15 second before the next wave is gonna get you. How much easier is it to connect to a tow loop rather than thread a rope/strap through a bow fitting?

No I'm not kidding- Lets imagine this, for discussions sake let's say that both you and your bro are out riding surf when all of the sudden, your ski dies right in the impact zone on a six foot day. No worries, you're on it, and you have a tow rope wrapped around your waist with a carabineer on it. You now have 15 seconds before the next set wave gets to you.
Do you really think that;
You're going to be able to get your friends attention and let him know you need a tow , get that tow strap off your waist and hooked on to your ski and hooked on to your friends ski and towed out of dangers way in less than 15seconds????
Any way you look at it, if your ski dies in the impact zone, you're going to take a few on the head, and unless you're riding in front of a rock jetty, you'd be way better off to just swim your ski into the shore and pull it up on the sand, where you can take off your hood and possibly find and fix the problem. And if you can't, you have all the time in the world to hook up a tow rope.


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Cleveland Ohio
We have 3 second impact zone sometimes.....pure anarchy on the lake. You may get shoved to shore or sucked out into deeper water, so with 3-5 seconds between waves, you have to hook up with someone and get pulled back to the beach.... But that is also for the ride to the beach and back, don't want to get slammed against the rocks. (our ride to the beach is almost identical to oceansides, except the waves are even bigger and crazier by the rocks).

I'll tell you what though, I have NEVER ridden waves as nice as Oceanside, anywhere...Totally amazing. 6-7 foot walls of water that are 1/3 of a mile long, with a football field of glass water in between them. You guys are in surf heaven.

I would LOVE to get my own ski out there to ride with you guys for like a week straight. It would be my dream vacation.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
yeah. go big and flop a roll. It'll come right off without a brap strap.

Ask me how I know!
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