Once again Sub, thank you for the well articulated argument. However, I am going to have to continue to disagree with you on a number of fronts. WD will elevate the level for freestyle riders that can afford his motors and hulls. Just as Malone released his EME line that is w/o a doubt one of the most extreme performance boats available...........(the other is obviously the REV 12) WD's new boat is just as if not more impressive from both a power and fit/finish aspect.
Why does WD not contribute back to the sport? Think about it, with Jeff having problems with production as it is, why would he spend his limited capital to advertise to invite more customers to get in line and wait for his products. If he wanted to Submarine his operation then that would be a wise choice. Up until now his main focus has been on creating his products, now the gears are shifting more towards the line of producing his products. He has spent years making changes, making parts stronger, lightening some parts and build big HP. His current line up of products is impressive: REV hulls (glass or prepreg), X-jet Hulls (glass or prepreg), 1200cc motors, BB gp800 motors, whole line of billet parts, billet handle pole w/ carbon or prepreg skin and multiple bottom decks to choose from all developed by WD over the years. Few other companies can boast that kind of resume. If you are a spokesman for Blowsion then they do not have anything to fuss about. They cater to mainly the typical SJ and SXR rider that wants anodized this, or polished that or a little more punch and control out of their boat but they do not make the big power or spend the time developing something new (not just improvements upon a given platform). It is those people that do not want a Sj or SXR and do want obscene power for flat-water freestyle that WD caters too. You see what I am saying, in my mind they are 2 different markets.
WD is in a league of their own now :Banane09: and I will continue to applaud them throughout their triumphs and failures. Faith in WD......I would not go that far, more like recognizing and supporting talent when you see it. Perhaps if you guys see some WD products in person (like at Daytona when Tom brings his boat down) you will see what the hype is all about. For me it is not only the quality of the products but the thought that went into developing those products that pumps me up about WD.
Hunter V.