Waterdawg's 1200cc R.E.V.


Grand Rapids, MI
Okay I'm sorry I brought up Sub :frown:

I have no idea how Jeff will handle his business in the future, but I don't think he is running water injection on his pipes now. He says they don't need it.


makin' legs
400 to turf..........sorry, your only talking about 2-3 hours max............ maybe more if you are removing turf and re installing.........

High quality turf can easily take longer than 2-3 hours. Average turf probably does only take 2-3 hours. Depends on how good you are and how much pride you take in your work.:haha:


Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
High quality turf can easily take longer than 2-3 hours. Average turf probably does only take 2-3 hours. Depends on how good you are and how much pride you take in your work.:haha:

yeah, I agree........... but after you have done them a good bit you figure out the tricks..... plus you would have templates now........

Oh, one thing to consider, turf is like shoes........ they are going to wear out, so, no since in paying 400.00 for a turf job when you know after a few miles it will be wornout!!!!!!!!!!:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:


makin' legs
yeah, I agree........... but after you have done them a good bit you figure out the tricks..... plus you would have templates now........

Oh, one thing to consider, turf is like shoes........ they are going to wear out, so, no since in paying 400.00 for a turf job when you know after a few miles it will be wornout!!!!!!!!!!:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

I agree. I wouldn't pay 400 bucks for turf, but I would charge that or more.



Always check with Jeff first on the prices. I know cost of materials has gone up on some items so they price will vary based on his expenses. I know the prices have gone up on billit and some glass materials like carbon and the more exotic cloths.
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Stand Up All The Way
Wichita, KS
400 to turf..........sorry, your only talking about 2-3 hours max............ maybe more if you are removing turf and re installing.........

I have done it once so I am no expert. But you have to remember where he was taking this ski and who would be looking at it. It had to be perfect. He was also turfing the rails and the chin pad. All the pad had to be cut along with turf. What took me the longest was the foot holds and getting a good fit. I am too cheap so I would have to do it my self. Weather it is $200 or $400 it is still only a small amount of money considering the total price tag. The real point is that he spent alot of time putting this together and part of it was turfing it. This is time spent that needs to be accounted for and billed out. You can't work half a day and not get paid for it. This is time he usally doesn't spend because once it it painted it shipped to the customer who puts it togather.

Good point.
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Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
anyone haev an answer to this?

"What dose the ultimate 701 motor cost on average? What is the horsepower it puts out?"

i'm curious what the $/HP ratio


OK lets get back to some questions about the ski....or maybe about the conversion for a superjet.......
I love the idea of running the GP 800 motor, just buy the 1300 non power valve cyclinders and then resleve.......this is what i always have thought about doing so my question is..
1) What would the price for the conversion kit from jeff be.
2) Waterbox, can u still run one, or would you have to try and fit a small one under the tray i know they had them there in the Xjets (i am unsure and just do not like the idea of running a ski without one)
3) Does anyone have pictures of the engine mounts or base plate conversion, is it like an Octanes...
4) Is the rear coupler the same on Gp 800 motor, i thought they where smaller.......i might be wrong

Just a few questions, i would really like to run a gP 800 in my ski....just because it is not a stroker, i would really love to give it a go, just past history is holding me back, COD is the only way i would do it in the future or payment on receipt of a UPS statement .

Only time will tell as the ideas are good


The ultimate 701, or more accuratly the ultimate 62t based platform would consist of a lamey cylinder (or ADA), 8-10mm stroker crank, aftermarket reed cages, manifold, b-pipe w/ mod or TNT chamber, TL ignition ect. Pretty much all the bells, whistles and machine work that you can possibly stuff into that motor. All that work comes at a price. There is no replacement for displacement prety much all you are doing with adding a stroker crank is increasing displacement. 701 crank has a 68mm stroke......66e has a 78mm stroke stock! That is equivilent to a 10mm stroker crank!

You want more power, you need more air flow! Look at the 6m6 reed cages. Those restricted power so Yamaha improved them by desiging the 61x reed cages........that helped a little but the motor still needed more air.........then the came out with the 62t design that had significantly larger reed cages and internal flow charcterisitcs. Then you need to start thinking higher flowing cylinders...........lamey or ADA is a good choice.

For a 8mm Lamey stroker motor look at spending at least 5k for the long block or 6k if you want PV's and make about let just say 165hp......maybe

To do a bb 927 motor look at spending about the same price but that is including a pipe, manifolds, buying the motor, the bb kit and a mag pump. You will make more hp and torque but be a little heavier. The nice thing is that you have a pump gas 800 motor with a bb kit installed. :dunno: Kind of a no brainer. On top of that fact, you are comparing a maxed out 62t based motor vs a 800 platform that has the potential for making a 5mm stroker lamey feel like a stock SJ.

I have a standard stroke lamey PV motor in my ski that makes great power and is more than enough hp for my riding level. I would estimate it at say 125hp or close to that w/ 180lbs compression. The gp 800 makes 120hp at 140lbs compression, no porting with factory exhaust and intake!!! BB kit with porting, good set of full spec carbs and the pipe from WD.........you are talking some nice HP that is pretty much a lamey killer right there, achaully it is more along the lines of Malone's 800 ski (probably beats it on performance). The 1200cc is on a whole different level.
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1) What would the price for the conversion kit from jeff be.
2) Waterbox, can u still run one, or would you have to try and fit a small one under the tray i know they had them there in the Xjets (i am unsure and just do not like the idea of running a ski without one)
3) Does anyone have pictures of the engine mounts or base plate conversion, is it like an Octanes...
4) Is the rear coupler the same on Gp 800 motor, i thought they where smaller.......i might be wrong

I could anwser most of those questions but if you are serious about building this motor give Jeff a call. He will hook you up with up to date prices, info, pictures ect. He tests new designs all the time and can probably help you out w/in 5 minutes.


According to the Chinese Calender 2006 is the Year of the Dog :haha: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

That was bad I know :haha:


Stand Up All The Way
Wichita, KS
Mile9c1 Wrote: Jeff didn't use a stock crank, he used an aftermarket one (stock stroke) but it has billet steel webs, beefier rods, etc. Cost probably = more than a grand.

I knew he used a new crank, but did not know he used an after market one. What is the reason for this? Will an OEM crank not hold up to the forces going on inside the motor? Or just a personal choice?

I am interested in knowing what you think the average cost is going to be to build a 1200 motor? We know how much the Top end cost at $4000 for the package and $1000 for the modifications. Add on $750 more for the Pipe and both manifolds. It comes down to how much one spends on the lower half of the motor and it you have to change out the crank like he did.

Are 49mm carburetors going to big enough or is the thinking to go to even larger. In my mind this is the unknown part of this package. And the cost for these carburetors is out of site. How much for Carbs?

How much for Reed valves?

Ignition is the only component left. Are there any other options besides MSD TL? I think the cost is firm at $1300 to $1400.

In my analysis I came up with 11K for this motor complete, is that going to be reasonable to build it for that amount? When you think about it, that is an xxxxxxxx amount to spend on any thing.
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also factor in if you have a motor you can sell your cases: crank, cylinder, b-pipe, electronics, pump. That kind of takes the edge off of the deal if your boat is currently built with a nice variety of aftermarket parts.


Shootin' The Crap
also factor in if you have a motor you can sell your cases: crank, cylinder, b-pipe, electronics, pump. That kind of takes the edge off of the deal if your boat is currently built with a nice variety of aftermarket parts.

It doesn't take enough of the edge off for me. Even IF you had a complete Lamey set-up and got, say, four-grand for it and a grand for other parts, you'd still need ANOTHER 6K to complete the motor. Plus the cost of the REV hull and the lonnnnngggggggggggg wait for it. No Thanks! :frown:

:biggrin: ..or sell your blaster to help absorb the costs of your buildup... :sneaky:

I sold my '04 Superjet (that I picked up for 3K) for my Lamey!!!:highhorse:


I had a vision!
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s florida
Sorry to interrupt freestyleriverrat's sale pitch ,but I just got my new 6mm Lamey out on the water yesterday and holy crap!! :scared: Chick, you gonna chit your pants when you get yours :scared: :Banane01: :Banane01:

Anymore power than that is just ridiculous!
just my .02:rolleyes:

please resume back to the topic, thanks!


Sub wont have to say anything, Jeff's inability to deliver in a business like manor says it all, mind you I like this ski, I just dont see it being produced other than the model he brought th the WF's

i dont know you or jeff but i do know a few things about business........ and from an objective view point (and a viewpoint that has read more than a few negative threads about both JEFF/WATERDAWG and BLOWSION, which if im not mistaken u are affiliated with)........ what u just did showed worse business practice than anything ive ever read about jeff doing.......... and please dont try to justify it with a response about how his business practices make u look bad......... because that would be just a comedic interlude to distract those who dont know anybetter from your foot in mouth-itis
In his own words he has "production issues" plain and simple he knows he cant deliver the product in a timely, business like manor, I was only repeating what he said... I am just stating the obvious....

As for my affiliation with Blowsion, you would be correct as I am, feel free to air you concerns to the Blowsion Corporate Head-Quarters at any time...

Maybe I will get fired
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