The ultimate 701, or more accuratly the ultimate 62t based platform would consist of a lamey cylinder (or ADA), 8-10mm stroker crank, aftermarket reed cages, manifold, b-pipe w/ mod or TNT chamber, TL ignition ect. Pretty much all the bells, whistles and machine work that you can possibly stuff into that motor. All that work comes at a price. There is no replacement for displacement prety much all you are doing with adding a stroker crank is increasing displacement. 701 crank has a 68mm stroke......66e has a 78mm stroke stock! That is equivilent to a 10mm stroker crank!
You want more power, you need more air flow! Look at the 6m6 reed cages. Those restricted power so Yamaha improved them by desiging the 61x reed cages........that helped a little but the motor still needed more air.........then the came out with the 62t design that had significantly larger reed cages and internal flow charcterisitcs. Then you need to start thinking higher flowing cylinders...........lamey or ADA is a good choice.
For a 8mm Lamey stroker motor look at spending at least 5k for the long block or 6k if you want PV's and make about let just say 165hp......maybe
To do a bb 927 motor look at spending about the same price but that is including a pipe, manifolds, buying the motor, the bb kit and a mag pump. You will make more hp and torque but be a little heavier. The nice thing is that you have a pump gas 800 motor with a bb kit installed. :dunno: Kind of a no brainer. On top of that fact, you are comparing a maxed out 62t based motor vs a 800 platform that has the potential for making a 5mm stroker lamey feel like a stock SJ.
I have a standard stroke lamey PV motor in my ski that makes great power and is more than enough hp for my riding level. I would estimate it at say 125hp or close to that w/ 180lbs compression. The gp 800 makes 120hp at 140lbs compression, no porting with factory exhaust and intake!!! BB kit with porting, good set of full spec carbs and the pipe from are talking some nice HP that is pretty much a lamey killer right there, achaully it is more along the lines of Malone's 800 ski (probably beats it on performance). The 1200cc is on a whole different level.