what am i supossed to do?


Runs with scissors
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Rincon Beach
I understand your frustration, and I do not have it in hand,
However take a step back and understand what has happened here the ring snag is a RESULT of detionation leading to a condition called pre-ignition in which the combustion tempetures rise to exceed the meting point of the piston , the rings than overheat and loose tension (they may also break due to the pounding forces of detonation) snagging a ring Does NOT LEAD to detonation

750 for a motor ready to go is still a good deal

and you should have tested it before you took it on vacation.... i run mine for at least an hour after working on it if i plan on leaving town.

750 for a motor ready to go without a warranty is a bad deal imho. Then again, I've only purchased half a dozen or so pwc engines in my lifetime.
If one wishes to have a warranty on a motor, they should buy from an engine remanufacturer........that offers a warranty. Buy used, buy AS IS. If a warranty is not specified, there IS no warranty so therefore there is no further obligation.


Houston, TX
Our collective employers shoud just buy him a brand new engine. It would be cheaper than the time we've spent reading all of these posts on this thread.
Tone means everything......If you take a threatening tone in situations like this, you are unlikely to be productive. Joking about the motor being a piece of crap.....and then the motor actually fails seems to me to be poetic justice. Jokes like that are not funny........I think Wydopen would have been more receptive to helping get the motor repaired had rideit's attitude had been a little more diplomatic........instead of coming out "swinging" the paypal stick, etc. Just my worthless .02


High on jetskis.
this is just a risk you take when buying parts off some dude on the internet. it sucks but its not like your dealing with some buisness. its someone that could just say fucx off without worry of losing reputation.
could be different things, but im going to let dangerboy rule.


Анархия - мать порядка!


What! What!
My opinion. This motor was never even broken in. I certainly don't know what happened, but the buyer knew in advance that the engine was as he described, "a Frankenstein". He knew it. He bought it. It broke. Buyer, fix it. You probably didn't get any sympathy by grouping us all together as a bunch of ignorant rednecks and other thinly veiled insults. Your attitude, and your statements imply that you are superior to most, if not all of us on this site. Personally, I don't care if you are a soon to be engineer, or the President of General Motors or a trash collector. Your attitude rubs me the wrong way and I take offense. Good Luck!
Haha first of all calling me superior to the people on the site is a compliment not an insult. I think the word you were looking for is inferior. Lets see you get bashed by a bunch of people before you ever get a word in. Then sit and watch while people make calls on what is right and what is not right without being in the shoes. He made it more than clear this was a "hard running motor" , "with 5 hours on it". I didnt want it to run so hard that it blew up. Alot of what i say im joking around about but you cant catch "tone" through a forum. Im not looking for sympathy and I really dont care what any of you think at all. I care what wydopen thinks. If he feels that it would be fair to pay half then yea im going to take it from him because i think It is fair. After listening to all this on here maybe him paying the full price is more than he is obligated. If he choses to not pay anything I think thats kind of a scumbag move on his part. If he choses not to pay I dont feel that me wrecking his paypal account and his back account is going to make anyone feel better so I dont think I'm going to file a complaint. Paypal would side with me I'm sure but this is just such a hassle. Im more aggravated with the principle of the matter than the money. I told him I wanted a "drop in and go" motor. He told me thats what it was and was ready to run.

I also dont think its fair to judge me on a level like this over something like this. Ive posted on this forum quite a few times now and havent ever given anyone this so called attitude I have. I got mad because of all the bashing everyone was doing on me before I even had a chance to defend myself. I expect to people to handle business with me the same way I would handle it with them. I would pay for all the repairs but I think half is fair. He did ship it fast for me because i needed it ASAP which I appreciated.

Oh and there wasnt really anything frankenstein about it. It was just big pin cylinders on a small pin bottom end.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Hey Ride it,

THAT is the nicest, most coherent, coolest thing you have posted in this thread.

Kudos to you.

whatever you guys figure out, im sure neither of you will suffer from the outcome.
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