I haven’t really been able to use my mill for anything requiring any precision or CNC since we moved into the new house.
I dismantled everything prior to the move in order to fit it into the mobile enclosure I built. Once I got it moved, I realized that the Z tower was off square by almost 3 deg. I could tram it close but it required attention to be precise again.
I had also stripped off the cheap mechanical limit switches and replaced them with pass-by inductive proximity sensors so if I ever overrun a limit in manual, I don’t end up running into the limit and destroying it like I was doing. I ordered an NPN relay block months ago but have never taken the time to get it all functional. Now I can power up and just hit the “home all” button again and everything is ready to run from the computer.
So, today I squared up and Trammed the Z axis and got all my limits wired and tested and so we are back in business.