X2 + Sx-r = Sx-2r

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
Started putting the motor in today. I cut the hos efor the new exhaust outlet and ran cooling lines. While mounting the motor I figured I would see if my Kenney Keepers would work and sure enough they do :arms: . I am having trouble with the throttle cable mounting. I cant find a bracket that will work and the cable is to short so I ordered one for a 98 sts. I need one that is 40-44 inches.


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Bringing it back
New Hampshire
You should be able to work with the stock cable if you push it up the tube a little. Shorten the rubber tube so it lets you get the 45 degree angle you need to pull the throttle shaft like the Hot Products brackets have. Unfortunately I don't think they sell a bracket that will work with the I-body square diaphragm. If it was diamond like the regular body carbs you could use part number RY12-TCB Hot Products Carb Bracket,

but it won't work for what you have. I think you could just make a bracket out of .09 aluminum pretty easy to get it working. I did for my SRE carbs.

I also recommend the foam in the nose that the last X2's (95)came with to rest the waterbox on. You can carve it out to get the water box lower and get the exhaust tube to go straight out rather than the awkward bend. Plus it is way lighter than the rubber things and it floats.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
Pete, I tried 55-3317 bracket, look at the way my carbs mount (pump out) it wont work. If I was running 44's it wouldnt be a problem. I will try and get the foam, thanks for the idea.


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
Yeah your carbs are kinda reversed but I think you could make your own bracket that would be similar that would mount above the diaphram or use the top two screws that hold the diaphram cover to mount. just a straight piece out that you twist a 45 angle into to get the right pull on the throttle shaft arm. I made one for my SRE 46's I just got and it was a 10 minute job with a band saw and a vice.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I thought about making a bracket off the head. I am going to the shop today to figure something out. If all else fails I have the new throtle cable comming wendsday.


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
Oh and I just got my TBM pump cone yesterday. It is pretty much a fit. The rear of the hub is foreward a quarter inch but with a little longer hardware it could be used as is. I think I am going to look into getting a spacer made just to support it when the fastners are tightened. The o ring for the rear bearing cover just seats enogh to keep water out I think. The rest of it is perfect. The stator section is great and the front of the hub is fine. Just a little space in the back between the hub and housing. I have had to deal with worse.

i think the problem may be that your shaft is hitting the cone. I know wetwolf put s disclaimer that their cones dont fit 91-95 x-2's becuase the pump was set back about a 1/4" and the back of teh shaft hits the cones. Check to make sure because ones that shaft is spinning it will wreck youre $300 hardware.

If it is the shaft just grind it down a 1/4" and you are set.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
So as usuall I am waiting for parts so I decided to run my fuel lines and polish my exhaust (it is in ruff shape). All I need is my throtle cable, impeller and coil and I can fire this pig up. I will mount the pissers once I get the exhaust in.


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Danger Zone
Colfax WA
So this week I started my re-enforcement of the side's and my tubbie install. I also glassed in some aluminum plate for the foot straps. Im not happy with the way the Tubbies came out , Unfortunatly my supplier was out of fast cure adhesive so I cant do anything to them for a week.

Do you bolt your foot straps to the inside? I thought that they are supposed to be bolted to the bottom? What kind of straps are those?


Bringing it back
New Hampshire
I ran into that problem with the pump when I first got it. I either swapped pump shafts or gut it off to fit. If the center hub on those pumps are set back a quarter of an inch that is the one to get for the TBM pump cone. I am having a new rear cover for my TBM machined so it seats the o ring. As it turns out the oring doesn't really seat at all. Not a big project but kinda important to make it work good long term. If anyone wants me to run one of the cones I can get more of the rear sections made. I will know the price later this wek I hope.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
Do you bolt your foot straps to the inside? I thought that they are supposed to be bolted to the bottom? What kind of straps are those?

I bolted them to the outside rail and screwed the inside in. I mounted the straps in a U shape. I used dakine windsurfing straps.


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D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I ran into that problem with the pump when I first got it. I either swapped pump shafts or gut it off to fit. If the center hub on those pumps are set back a quarter of an inch that is the one to get for the TBM pump cone. I am having a new rear cover for my TBM machined so it seats the o ring. As it turns out the oring doesn't really seat at all. Not a big project but kinda important to make it work good long term. If anyone wants me to run one of the cones I can get more of the rear sections made. I will know the price later this wek I hope.

I had to switch the impeller shaft on mine to one that was smaller on the cone end. Im not sure what one I used I had 2 laying around.


thanks darin...noswad!
Slicker, is this correct for the fuel lines, or is the pulse and fuel inlet reversed?


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