Setting up an fx with pre 08 SJ pole and cable..seems like I need to trim end of cable to get steering centered..both couplers are bottomed out..figured I’d ask how other people set them up before I cut a new cable
Anybody ever use 3m spray contact adhesive for turf? Have 2.5 cans of dap but doing a bunch of under padding might not be enough. Not sure how this would hold up
I was actually impressed with how well the paint laid down...made me wish I spent more time on the pinholes and where the rails meet the bottom...would have actually came out pretty nice...oh well, we are just going to ride it hard anyways...dont really care what it looks like...I spent the most...
I dont understand how so many people can't differentiate between the word sell and sale..It literally drives me crazy..see on so many craigslist posts especially..maybe its the autocorrect on the phone?
I just installed some to get rid of choke shaft and the whole time I was thinking how I would not want to have to remove them. Were not easy to get in..I think what Baja said is your only option unless you keep going up in drill bit size until it’s thin enough to dig out.
Rattlecan in process. Aside from the pinholes I knew were going to Be there and a couple insects/dog hairs that got into the first few coats it was coming out ok until I had a can malfunction when I leaned over to hit the hood seal area. Got a couple drips off the can onto the side...
More fiat $ printed in the last year than in the entire history of $ printing combined.. engineering a total collapse and end of the dollar as the world reserve currency..enjoy your toys while you can..
Thanks for relaying the message. Tell him we asked around but nobody knew who’s they were. Tried to figure out who’s they were from tag but wasn’t sure..Glad I saw his post.
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