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  1. JMew03

    RN pole on a SN

    I have a harzard bracket. Shoot me an offer to buy it :)
  2. JMew03

    N3vrSat1sfied's never satisfied build

    The suspense is killing me
  3. JMew03

    Superjet steering cable problem, need help

    Whats the other end doing?
  4. JMew03

    N3vrSat1sfied's Wife's EME Q8 Sky Build

    What about the foot holds?
  5. JMew03

    Custom/Hybrid What happens if I remove my water box from the jet ski

    Well the waveblaster with a 1100 and a modified box and rear exhaust is really loud. Does it sound badass... yes but it can be annoying. Couldnt imagine with no box.
  6. JMew03

    N3vrSat1sfied's never satisfied build

    How can anybody turn that offer down. Lol
  7. JMew03

    N3vrSat1sfied's never satisfied build

    I need to make sure its ready with the hurricane. Wouldnt want you to waste your time.
  8. JMew03

    N3vrSat1sfied's never satisfied build

    Can I touch it?
  9. JMew03

    N3vrSat1sfied's never satisfied build

    Ooooo. I like what I see!
  10. JMew03


    For some reason I would listen to Blue when it comes to jet settings. Lol he is pretty smart.
  11. JMew03

    SpaceCowboy's Hurricane Industries C3 Build

    Nice color combo.
  12. JMew03

    B pipe installation/removal

    Order the b-pipe manifold bolt kit from Jetmaniac. They have smaller heads on them.
  13. JMew03

    Other Hitch Hauler Lets see everyone's Hitch Hauler pics and setups

    I would find a bow stop annoying. You never know which way will be easiest to load/unload while at the lake.
  14. JMew03

    What happened here?

    Yep. My cases are now junk yard pieces due to my stator falling apart.
  15. JMew03

    What do people say about your ski?

    Can I ride it? No
  16. JMew03

    How do you haul your Jet Lift cart?

    Throw it in the bed of the truck. One ratchet strap to hold it down.
  17. JMew03

    Pump Shimming Struggle

    If the ski is upside down then you need to shim the part of the pump closest to the pumpshoe to bring the shaft to the correct spot. Try removing the shims at the rear of the ski and see what happens. Can use a thick washer if you dont have enough shims as a quick solution for now.
  18. JMew03

    Custom/Hybrid Footholds-Yes, it's time for another thread! Padding, show off your trays, etc.#bestfootholdsthread

    Heat gun and a sand hammer. The turf will form to the nose. Lol at least on my blaster it did.
  19. JMew03

    What's your view look like today?

    Been getting a lot of rain recently so made a journey to one of the local lakes to see how it is now. About 2 months ago the ramps were closed because the lake was to low. Now they are closed because the lake it to high. Cant seem to win! Lol glad I have a beach cart. Just for reference...
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