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  1. SurferSmurf

    TBM Flywheel rub

    you should put the cover back on, start the motor and rev that sucker to the top. it will stop rubbing very quick. just my 2 cents.
  2. SurferSmurf

    Is your Super Jet tray a little warped?

    mine was nice and flat but i no longer have a tray. just an empty hole, like my wallet from this stupid project.
  3. SurferSmurf

    Input on which one of these helmets

    nobody likes a pole shoved in there face....
  4. SurferSmurf

    Engine guys:pipe question

    unfortunately R&D is a joke. i have a buddy that is an engineer and he said 90% of performance products are trial and error. that being said, if you can find a way to make one i say go for it. but expect to spend more than 1200 bucks on your trial and error.
  5. SurferSmurf

    Input on which one of these helmets

    oh i know. it was a joke. unfortunately sarcasm is hard to detct in text.
  6. SurferSmurf

    Input on which one of these helmets

    deffinitely the safest but not the coolest looking. you gotta look good out there.
  7. SurferSmurf

    Input on which one of these helmets

    then you should get a good cup instead. :nana:
  8. SurferSmurf

    Gave a guy a heart attack today.

    F him. i hope he dies too. one less a hole that will bitch for no reason
  9. SurferSmurf

    Input on which one of these helmets

    i was unaware that you needed a helmet to spend money on ski built to do subs?????
  10. SurferSmurf

    Input on which one of these helmets

    giro remedy. i bought one last season and love it. it doesnt hold a ton of water when you take it off. its also very light and dries out quick.
  11. SurferSmurf

    xft steering cable

    how about the thru hull fitting?
  12. SurferSmurf

    xft steering cable

    does it actually fit without modification?
  13. SurferSmurf

    anyone know the inside diameter of coolant lines

    pipe and tubing are two different things believe it or not. what your talkin about reffers to "pipe" only. tubing has its own sizes that go by OD and wall thickness.
  14. SurferSmurf

    anyone know the inside diameter of coolant lines

    thats what i was lookig at from mcmastercarr.
  15. SurferSmurf

    anyone know the inside diameter of coolant lines

    yes thats what im talkin about. my bad i guess i figured everyne though it was a superjet and i was replacing the through hull water lines. i should of been more descriptive. my bad.
  16. SurferSmurf

    anyone know the inside diameter of coolant lines

    im gonna use 3/8 hose. with a 3/8 stainless steel line.
  17. SurferSmurf

    anyone know the inside diameter of coolant lines

    exactly. but you have differend wall thicknesses which probably wont make a huge differance but i just dont want to be to thin. i guess im just being that "overly anal machinist guy" but if someone has calipers and can take a quick measurement that would be great.
  18. SurferSmurf

    anyone know the inside diameter of coolant lines

    i thought the OD was 3/8, cuz you slide 3/8 hose over it.
  19. SurferSmurf

    anyone know the inside diameter of coolant lines

    what is the ID of the stock coolant lines. i replaced my lines a while back with 1/2 inch to get more water for my dry pipe and i want to go back to stock diameter. i know the OD is 3/8 but i would like to know the ID so i can order some stainless tubing.
  20. SurferSmurf

    B pipe coupler clamp option

    those are great clamps. never used them on a b-pipe though.
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