I'm in the great state of Texas. Here we have to go through the Texas parks and wildlife Dept to get a ski titled. I just called the TPWD and told them I have a home made jetski. (its really an XFT) which could be considered home made I guess. they said I have to bring it in for an inspection...
what's everyone using to secure the 2 gallon kart tanks? OEM gas tank straps with knots to shorten length? waterbox straps? or does someone make a strap just for kart tanks?
Yeah I read the 155 pump question thread. That's one of the reasons why I want to bore my steering nozzle. The xft string nozzle for 144mm pump has a ID of 90mm. That's huge! Maybe that's for a big motor. I'm in a heavily ported 701. With 83mm pistons. I think the pump would do a little better...
my experience when good at 3/4 and slower at WOT has been fuel delivery. might want to look into other factors besides carbs. like pick ups, fuel filters, and the vent valve. try running atmospheric pressure in the tank and see if your problem changes. ( just open vent with no valve)
anyone here do steering nozzle boring? I have a protect nozzle that's pretty thick cast aluminum and would like it bored to about a 88mm. it can probably go bigger, but I'm trying to be conservative.
$80 for a bilge switch is laughable. Hardly affordable. I'm sure it's good stuff, but I will touch bare wires together before I pay $80 for a bilge switch.
what kind of battery? and did you disconnect the negative cable and check for a voltage draw? I would disconnect the negative cable. get a small 12v light bulb with the socket and two wires on it( like a glove box light or something) and touch one end to the battery negative. touch the other end...
I was torn between thrust and x-metal. I have 2 cats trim systems and was amazed at how effortless it was to pull the ezpull system. pullies multiply power. its a law of physics. a lot of people swear by the x-metal, but the thrust is the way to go for me. blowsion also has a pulley system but...
Thanks for the replies. I bought the $60 kart tank and extra fittings and pickup clunk for dual lines. I'm sure a single pickup would have worked, but I've been running dual pickups all this time. I just said F it.
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