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  1. BombThreat

    avg. hight for ski stands

    you said it! that way you can move the skis around alone...I hate asking for help..
  2. BombThreat

    Raider trim on my SJ

    It may not be needed but would it help?
  3. BombThreat

    DHL Sucks

    At least im not the only one with these experences with DHL. Someone tell paul to stop shipping DHL! It isnt worth the headaches
  4. BombThreat

    Keeping warm/protection gear

    have a drysuit on its way from watcon:biggthumpup:
  5. BombThreat

    Keeping warm/protection gear

    been riding with a 3/4 full suit amd 6.5mm booties. been great so far
  6. BombThreat

    Stand up motorcycle help??

    I want to see pictures before and after this thing takes dump:) lol gl on the build
  7. BombThreat

    -2007- HELP! Need a place to crash!

    good luck dude!
  8. BombThreat

    What happened to all the advertisers??

    $25 a month! thats peanuts for a website this size
  9. BombThreat

    SJ or SXR? Lets sticky a thread

    probally not.
  10. BombThreat

    SJ or SXR? Lets sticky a thread

    Just a idea since this question pops up almost everyday.
  11. BombThreat

    SJ or SX-R

    Accully I owned a SXR first then bought a SJ. Both have their nitch in the standup crowd. The SXR must be a halfway decent hull since yamaha is coming out with a hull design very similar to it..
  12. BombThreat

    Daytona 08 travel/rideshare thread

    Im thinking about going, this event looks killer the past few years ive read the threads on it. Hows this event fair to people with very little surf experence? Ill be hitting NH in late Oct-Nov and that will be the first time on the ocean with the ski...
  13. BombThreat

    waterdawg @ world finals

    sounds kinda like the OJ ordeal:jester::Banane01:
  14. BombThreat

    waterdawg @ world finals

    I was thinking the same thing, with all the bad mojo around here im wondering if someone is going to get the ballz to accully "see" the man..
  15. BombThreat

    2007 or 2008 superjet?

    Hmmm... new car or jetski... ah we can get a few more years outta that cutlass!
  16. BombThreat

    Cracker Sinks SKi to the bottom of Atlantic... HELP

    whats the advantage of not having gunwhales?
  17. BombThreat

    Flooded sxr. won't start. somebody help.

    take your plugs out, turn over the engine for a few seconds and either get new plugs or dry yours out good. start her up and run it somehow to get the water out of the crank. Letting it sit overnight will rust the bearings on the crank.
  18. BombThreat

    Jail Time for No Lanyard on my SJ???

    What, skis are suppost to have landyards?
  19. BombThreat

    What to do if your ski si one giant stress crack..

    seems like sxr's crack ALOT... mine has cracks around the pole mount, bond rails and gunwails.... not to mention I just ripped apart both my rail caps from lake riding... quality stuff here!
  20. BombThreat


    Hes asking how do you get onto the hood "easily"
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