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  1. crammit442

    ///tl Pv Bb 8mm Lamey Build And I Need Exhaust Tips///

    When I did my "testing" I was running a 760 cylinder that paul ported for me and traded me for one of the chambers. The motor didn't make very good power and was not an adequate test bed. Now that I have stronger motors I may eventually fool around with another carbon chamber and see if I...
  2. crammit442


    He posted this a while back when he was being lied to about when his stuff was shipped. I sounds to me like he already filed the dispute so it may actually take a day or two to release it. I haven't seen Fox say anywhere that he wants to keep the pipe AND the money.
  3. crammit442

    ///tl Pv Bb 8mm Lamey Build And I Need Exhaust Tips///

    Why are you not running a TNT chamber? That's the pipe paul likes best for all his BIG HP motors. You really should consider it. Hard to be sure you get everything out of the motor if you don't run the complete package. Gil's running it on his new motor and he says his motor is rippin'...
  4. crammit442

    LPW Close Up Shop?

    THAT was a good post........(and by the way, this makes 5:smile:)
  5. crammit442

    LPW Close Up Shop?

    P.S. You have a Happy Easter too!:wave:
  6. crammit442

    LPW Close Up Shop?

    You're correct that the members "have spoken"...........For people who are so sick of it, you sure keep bringing it back to the top............ Like I've said in several of these threads. If the people who "are so sick of it" would stop posting in them they'd fall off the front page and would...
  7. crammit442

    Q&A for a friend... How to remove 650sx Impeller?

    Take the cone off of the rear of the pump. Under it you'll see the pump shaft. It has flats that can be clamped in a vice. After that you will need the appropriate wrench for the prop to remove it.
  8. crammit442

    LPW Close Up Shop?

    I'm pretty sure we're not going anywhere together.:twak:
  9. crammit442

    LPW Close Up Shop?

    Bring back the "friends" signature!!!!!:thewave:
  10. crammit442

    Who Mountain Bikes for exercise?

    That's awesome. I almost bought a ricochet, but splurged and got the avalanche. My brother is still riding it. Bombproof bikes.
  11. crammit442

    What Pump Combo 4 A Big Bore+5mm Mtr

    This is gonna probably sound wierd coming from me, but I would talk to paul and do whatever he thinks would be best.:wall: He built your motor and recommended the prop, carb, fuel, pump, etc. combo and he will be your best bet for getting it straightened out. I know when Art builds my motors, he...
  12. crammit442

    Twin 48's - no primer or choke???

    I believe that's a common misconception. With small carbs that may be mostly true, but not so much on skis with bigger carbs. Think about it this way. Even on brand new computer controlled cars fuel system enrichment is used during startup because the engine is cold and requires more fuel. It...
  13. crammit442

    cylinder cleaning

    Once a cylinder has been honed and you wash it in hot soapy water, you almost can't oil it quickly enough to prevent that little bit of surface rust. If it bothers you, you can clean it gently with a brass brush with no damage. You'll be fine just oiling it down as is, though. The surface...
  14. crammit442

    Does RonnyMac Have a Ski?

    Keep on keeping it alive. Once again, it was back on topic until you brought it back up. Just like I said. Way to go.:loser: I believe it's time to dust off that goofy "friends" signature of yours.
  15. crammit442

    Does RonnyMac Have a Ski?

    For someone who thinks it's none of their business, you sure do like to talk about it. In most of these threads where paul's name comes up, it's koolaid drinkers like you who keep it alive. There was no comment made about what I said until you came BACK on and added your little monologue. Maybe...
  16. crammit442

    Does RonnyMac Have a Ski?

    I haven't heard that he had been injured or anything so I wasn't clear why he would need charity???? I sent parts to the guy in NJ that paul ripped off, so I can be very charitable if someone is in need. I mean ronny's short, but he's not handicapped, right?:nana:
  17. crammit442

    Does RonnyMac Have a Ski?

    I think he does, but why would WE want to build him one? Why couldn't he build his own ski?:dunno:
  18. crammit442

    Running carbs pumpside in?

    I think you should start with tach readings and begin drilling extra holes and let us know how many extra holes it takes to make a difference. You could also just start making the hole bigger and bigger until the R's come up and then report the hole size. I wonder if anyone here has an extra...
  19. crammit442

    24-7 backflip 7mm lamey build

    The foam is the weak link if done that way. Filling the gap is ONLY done to provide a smooth transition so the glass can be laid w/o leaving a void so the halves can be tied together as a unit. The gap only needs to be filled enough to get rid of any "butt crack" that exist at the joint. If...
  20. crammit442

    24-7 backflip 7mm lamey build

    I don't know if it's thicker or not, but it's NOT stronger. The bottom half is relatively weak SMC and the top is long strand hand laid glass.
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