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  1. crammit442

    Waterdawg Rant

    Before this weekend I thought Jeff was a composite genius who just had bad business practises. After seeing a few examples of his work at Allatoona I'm not so sure. The quality of the stuff I saw ranged from average to poor. Seems like a nice guy, but no money from me. There was another...
  2. crammit442

    Anyone have Tubbie Install Instructions

    I'd have to respectfully disagree. If you buy real Tubbies from Blowsion they will come with instructions. If you misplace them and you actually have real ones, Blowsion will gladly email or fax you new instructions. Many of the Tubby measurement threads( not necessarily this one:smile: ) are...
  3. crammit442

    Jeff Curry

    How quickly everyone forgets the past........:rolleyes: Several of us have been discussing that it was only gonna be a matter of time. The guy that builds my jump skis(water ski) is also very slow and unreliable. The big difference with him is that he makes the very best skis in the...
  4. crammit442

    XFT hull

    The flipside of that is that they would have parts in stock but prices would be higher because they are sitting on inventory and then you would go elsewhere because of the higher prices.:rolleyes: Damned if you do; damned if you don't. Charles
  5. crammit442

    Urgent: Cdi

    Doesn't matter. According the fiche they're all the same.:smile: Charles
  6. crammit442

    XFT hull

    I ordered my hull through Chuck also. You're gonna be fine and will get your hull. Mine took longer than expected and so did Lou's. No different than any of the other hull/motor builders here and quite a bit better than some of the more popular ones. The quality is excellent and I believe...
  7. crammit442

    Project RiverRat II

    I'll bet that only counts if the hull has actually been shipped.:haha: .......just kiddin'. Hope you get it soon.:smile: Charles
  8. crammit442

    Watercraft Factory and Lehr Performane Watercraft Build

    I would hope so. This is from back in October of last year.:bigeyes:
  9. crammit442

    Glassing in foot wheels with Blowsin kit... need help

    Why don't you call Blowsion and ask them?????????:banghead:
  10. crammit442

    Watercraft Factory and Lehr Performane Watercraft Build

    Gonna be at Lanier? What's the holdup?
  11. crammit442

    Motor builder question?

    This should be interesting.........:popcorn::smile:
  12. crammit442

    Thank You Blowsion

    Glad it turned out ok. Thanks for the update:smile: Charles
  13. crammit442


    Joe is a good guy and a world class multi-tasker!:sneaky: Charles
  14. crammit442

    Got my head on finally!!

    Can you explain what you mean? Charles
  15. crammit442

    ada big bore

    Joe Kelly(njfl) and I put one of the new ADA's together a few weeks ago. Jetworks did all the porting and motor work. It's at 89mm bore/75mm stroke now and is holy crap:bigeyes: strong. It's running 48mm Blackjacks, MSD TL, 14 vane setback 140. Impressive! Charles
  16. crammit442

    Stated Value Insurance?

    State Farm allows me to place the value at actual. I have pics and prices for all parts. Both of my boats are insured this way. Charles
  17. crammit442

    B pipe NOISE restrictor?

    I agree completely, yet the X-metal waterbox is all the rage now. My personal experience is that if anything, you make less power with it. What's really ironic is that the same people that tell the 440/550/650 guys not to run an aftermarket waterbox are the same ones that believe in the...
  18. crammit442

    Cuong's New Ride.PICS

    WOW!!!!!! You got yours 2 years faster than Make and 6 months faster than Hunter! Charles
  19. crammit442

    Thank You Blowsion

    I don't have a dog in the fight, but it's obvious from your post that you haven't even bothered to contact them to see what the problem is. I believe I would do that before coming on a public forum and bashing them. Like was already said, it could still be delivered today and if not there may...
  20. crammit442

    oem flame arrestors with aftermarket hoods wtf?,

    I run the same thing w/an XFT hood on one boat and a modified stock hood on the other. No issues here and I suck at riding so I probably have more water in my boat than most.:smile: Charles
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