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  1. crammit442

    adjusting carb for b pipe

    Jetworks makes T-handle replacement adjuster screws for SJ carbs. With these they will be adjustable by hand just as with any other carb.:biggthumpup: Charles 949 548 5259
  2. crammit442

    I'm single again! My new brap, Single BlackJack 46mm 62T setup

    It all goes back to the Group K-Mart articles.:rolleyes: Charles
  3. crammit442

    Project RiverRat II

    So the pole SHIPPED.........but then had to be returned to the welder????? I don't get it. It either shipped or it didn't. Not a lot of room for discusson there. I can understand saying it's gonna ship and then having a problem. Once he says it's shipped, the clock is ticking. You are...
  4. crammit442

    another ebay scumbag rmarc2007

    I didn't say that Turbo was ripping off Blowsion(although the case could be made). I said it was ironic that he's complaining about being ripped on a part that was ripped off from another person. Kind of like calling the cops because your crack dealer sold you baking powder instead of real...
  5. crammit442

    another ebay scumbag rmarc2007

    You're bitching because you got ripped off on a set of tubbies from the guy that is ripping off Blowsion!:haha::haha: The irony! Charles
  6. crammit442

    Name that pipe, thanks.

    Looks like a Type 4. Good pipe!:smile: Charles
  7. crammit442

    Carbon Fiber without paint Question?

    Here are a couple of quick examples of the differences in protection between clear gel and clear urethane. Both parts were made within a month or so of each other. The roof rack fairing is clear gel. The sunroof fairing is clear urethane. Both have been in the sun for 5 years or so. Worst...
  8. crammit442

    Carbon Fiber without paint Question?

    They are better than nothing, but are far, far inferior to clear automotive urethanes. Been doing this for a LONG time and have seen many really nice looking carbon parts go to crap with nothing but clear gel. Charles
  9. crammit442

    Carbon Fiber without paint Question?

    Clear gelcoat provides almost no UV protection. Visual fiber parts degrade quickly with only GC as a finish. They are cleared. They would yellow quickly w/o clear. With clear they weather very well. Charles
  10. crammit442

    86.5mm Pistons?

    Riva has them listed on their website. They are flat tops, though. Charles
  11. crammit442

    Stroker question

    I hope freestylegeek is not reading this.:bigeyes: He's running an 8mm stroke/81mm bore combo. He says he thinks it's making around 160 horsepower based on comparison to Paul's motors with claims of 180/190/210 horsepower. Interesting.:thinking: Charles
  12. crammit442

    Freestylegeek's squarenose conversion

    How do you know how much horsepower you have? Charles
  13. crammit442

    My Niagra footage

    As a kayak paddler, I'm not sure you guys fully grasp the seriousness of what you are getting youself into. It sure looks like fun, but if you guys do this regularly it's gonna end badly eventually. Helmets wouldn't be a bad idea either. I don't want to rain on your parade, but if something...
  14. crammit442

    Jetting single 44 in a 61x 701 with pipe/head

    I'm not positive, but I don't think that's the dry version of the Riva pipe. I believe it's the wet version. Charles
  15. crammit442

    single freestyle carbs

    That's the chemically correct ratio. Max torque ratio is closer to 12:1.:smile: Charles
  16. crammit442

    Carb help

    You must not have read the post before yours.:smile: Charles
  17. crammit442

    Waterdawg Rant

    Are you sure you really want me to open that can of worms?:rolleyes: I'm not sure anyone(except potential future customers) would benefit. Charles
  18. crammit442

    I made a locknut to fix my UMI steering!

    It works fine. The TBM( nut is the same except for with flats. The XFT system uses two thin jam nuts instead and that's been working well for me. The only minor drawback to the split nut design is the small size of the pinch screw...
  19. crammit442

    I made a locknut to fix my UMI steering!

    McMaster Carr stocks them in stainless.:smile: Part number-3014K15 Charles
  20. crammit442

    Waterdawg Rant

    I'm not knocking you and Toby's stuff.:smile: I thought the hood he showed me looked about like it should. I'm excited for ya'll and think overall you did good. Hunter's hull was ok, but was lacking on attention to detail. The black bulkhead had white 5200 smeared all over the seams and I...
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