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  1. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    Looks good Jared. I like the clean look it has now.
  2. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Ground up stunt build

    Billy mays would say Mighty Putty!
  3. dbrutherford

    So Stolen!! I feel like a thief!!!

    Engine was bought in Feb 2008 so two full ones. I thought you was a math major? Howas the bikes running? You keeoing the 125 too?
  4. dbrutherford

    So Stolen!! I feel like a thief!!!

    One and a half? Priorities changed. I hope to work on it some in the coming months. I live 5 min from the river now.
  5. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Ground up stunt build

    Photoshopped! Hey someone had to say it... nice job.
  6. dbrutherford

    So Stolen!! I feel like a thief!!!

    Nice, A new bike is on my wish list.
  7. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 Show Off Your 650 SX!!

    That is a nice paint job, i really liek it! yeah ditch that stock pipe for an FPP. As long as you have the head pipe, you can try different chambers from different ski models.
  8. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid 1200 sn build

    You need a through hull silencer. Here is some motivation for you. Don't ask me anything about the pics because I saved them from PWCT many years back.
  9. dbrutherford

    750 X2 build. allot of pics.

    Where did you get those cable ends at? They look like the TBM ones. But I can't being myself to pay 25 a piece for them when you need 4 for an X2 :(
  10. dbrutherford

    TC Getting Munched

    That Herbie dude should get a Super Jet...
  11. dbrutherford

    WR250F Whats involved in making street legal (Texas)

    If they would ever do the 450 I would have another payment! You will have to check your state laws regarding making it street legal. Baja Designs has some cool dual sport kits. I always wanted two sets of wheels/chain/sprocket/tires/ect so you could just change wheels to go between on road...
  12. dbrutherford

    some snow at the beach...

    No you don't. My back hurts from shoveling my driveway. My sister has my snowblower and won't give it back. I ke snow... at the ski slopes.
  13. dbrutherford

    TC Getting Munched

    Quote of the year right there! And just in time as the days tick away to 2010. Glad you are ok TC.
  14. dbrutherford


    That will out run, handle better, jump farther, brake better, and... go faster than a Honda XR250. Diseregard that statement, he already called you out. Nice bike YZ. I miss my old YZ250. I keep thinking I will eventually get me another one. I am thinking WR450 for the type of riding I do...
  15. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    I am thinking it is a FLux Capacitor... I wondered what it was too.
  16. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites EPIC GP

    Yeah YZ you buy one and I will come show you how to ride it!
  17. dbrutherford

    old sinks trinity x2 !!!!

    Congrats! I had to weigh buying my first house or one of these... Then again if I buy one of these, I would also have to buy MSD total loss, a Skat mag pump, have an 1100 ZXI engine I have fitted with tripple Novis, VForce reeds, Coffman 1100 pipe, water injection, porting, an ADA head...
  18. dbrutherford

    SX-R 800 Good Deal???

    Too high in my opinion. But you guys getting SXR for so cheap dang I wish it was me. I need another ski for friends and ME to ride :)
  19. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Ground up stunt build

    Same thing happened with 650 X2 waterbox foam. And that stuff was a lot lighter than the factory rubber mounts :(
  20. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    I agree with you Miles on the debit to credit card debate. I had to do a charge back twice now on my debt card and it was a hassle. I was out the money until the bank finally sided with me. When I did this on a credit card, they instantly gave me the money back. Much better protection...
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