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  1. dbrutherford

    Billet Kawi Porn

    What about the FPP wet pipe for the SXR? Also what's your take on the adapter plate and then using a Yamaha type manifold? I was curious why you guys used the SXR exhaust manifold style instead of the Yamaha style? The japanese SXR big bore cylinders use the Yamaha style manifold.
  2. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    From an expert engineer none the less! I really like how he used the fittings on it. I just wish Blitz made like a 4 gallon tank that was the same shape. I would rok that same setup in a heart beat. Just makes sense to me to use a gas an for a gas tank. Kind of like how I want to have a...
  3. dbrutherford

    EME 1000 build

    They make some serious sled engines. I believe they make a 1500 and 1800 cc tripple 2 banger! Google them.
  4. dbrutherford

    Group K SXR 850 Big Bore Sleeper Kit

    Thereis nothing too terribly wrong with Group K, they sell a nice package. But it is just that, a PACKAGE. You must do everything they say and sell. I just don't get building an engine and not using the stock pipe for it... I just had a bad experience after the sale. Yes it was mostly my...
  5. dbrutherford

    Group K SXR 850 Big Bore Sleeper Kit

    Good to know. I figured something like that was necessary. Care to price a top end kit? Say cylinder, head, gaskets, o-rings, circlips, wrist pins, wrist pin bearings, pistons, & rings? What bore sizes are available? If a stock stroke cylinder is purchased, can it later be upgraded with a...
  6. dbrutherford

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Sxi pro hand holds

    I would just buy the Blowsion ones. While expensive, they are already made to fit. Just cut the hole and glue them in place.
  7. dbrutherford

    Group K SXR 850 Big Bore Sleeper Kit

    I used to have a Group K 750. It ran good but didn't have any snap so to speak. It was a small pin but was all mid and top. One thing I did run into was that they recommended certain parts (from their web articles) which I bought and then they called after I sent them the cylinder that I...
  8. dbrutherford

    Coolest jetski tote

    Anyone remember the girl in the cowboy hat and pink bikini?
  9. dbrutherford

    Other Who uses Parts Washers??? What chem?

    I was always told to use varasol sp? My parts washer came from norther Tool and it is a pile! The paint is all peeling off and I barely got any use out of it...
  10. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    Didn't know that.
  11. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    That daylight guy sure can paint. Ask Bobby about that other Trinity SXR that was all painted up. The stealth bomber air brushing would be sick!
  12. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    Hot Products sells them. So they are not as hard to come by as other Japanese parts.
  13. dbrutherford

    X2 Motor Upgrade Advice

    Well I have stock 800 electrics. you can disable the air temp sensor to get some ignition advance. FPP sells a little thing to do this when you buy their wet pipe. I thought of using TL but now I don't really have the spare cash handy since I bought a house. I looked at an advent ignition...
  14. dbrutherford

    X2 Motor Upgrade Advice

    When I win the lottery of course. But I don't know crap about sled engines only that 3 cylinders of 1500cc's two stroke brap can't be a bad thing.
  15. dbrutherford

    Yamaha Lightweight X-2 Version 2.0 - ***TOPDECK MOLD POPPED!!

    Yeah beats me on the pumps. I have only ridden a few SJs and they seemed to hook up nice. But then I see Skat making mags for Yamaha's that are 140 & 142 so I ma like WFT? Of course those are race skis. No one is making pre 08 SJ hulls anymore? Again another WTF is in order.
  16. dbrutherford

    X2 Motor Upgrade Advice

    yeah cause I want a PSI tripple 1500 cc two stroke sled engine in my X2! I think you couldn't go wrong with a nice built 750 or 800. You could even got the Yamaha route if you wanted to.
  17. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid OCEAN PRO or PJS RIP TURN Nozzle????

    I have one on an X2. The steer nozzle is actually smaller than a stock X2 steer nozzle. The pump nozzle is a lot bigger than the stock X2 pump nozzle. Sorry I don't have the measurements handy. I am thinking ion the 3 to 5mm difference in diameters. I put it on a stock X2 and didn't...
  18. dbrutherford

    X2 Motor Upgrade Advice

    Not that they are bad engines but I would shy away from the Jet Ski Haven engines. To me they seem like a nightmare tryign to find replacement parts if something bad happens to them. I had a PJS engine once but it wasn't as plug and play friendly as a 750 engine so I never ran it. It was a...
  19. dbrutherford

    Yamaha Lightweight X-2 Version 2.0 - ***TOPDECK MOLD POPPED!!

    You two are traitors! lol I like SJ's too, I will admit it. I secretly want an SJ with a conversion hood. I just have so much tied up in Kawie parts it pains me to think about switching over. So perhaps a Yamaha engine swap will be a good compromise... As for an SJ mold... there are...
  20. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    Sorry for the Jack CJ. The Matrix uses all Yamaha running gear. There you go Mat! lol
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