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  1. dbrutherford

    Best Carb/Pipe for 960ccm PV engine ???

    So basically WFO Speed Racer's idea of making a set of cases like Brian Reed is doing for the GP800 engine platform is a good idea. It would be nice to have a set of new cases where you can use the SD 951 top end gas valves and all. Problem is an exhaust manifold will be needed too.
  2. dbrutherford

    Best Carb/Pipe for 960ccm PV engine ???

    Yeah I am poor too :( I have cut a case or two in half in my days but it was always from water injestion. Keep up the good work!
  3. dbrutherford

    Best Carb/Pipe for 960ccm PV engine ???

    So am I correct to assume you cut two cases in half to make that? I agree, best frankie engien I have seen! I am curious to see how well the port passages from the crank case line up with the SD cylinder.
  4. dbrutherford

    B-PIPE on SXR?

    Pretty much. I have one I will have to measure it to compare the ports. I know the head pipe to manifold diameter was smaller than what everyone recommends (47 or 48mm). So went the WC route being it had the solid top. I have no clue how the FPP 800 SXR wet pipe manifold matches up. It...
  5. dbrutherford

    Need a quick lesson in x2 handling mods I have one, never used it but.. there is one for sale. I got mine brand new for like 75...
  6. dbrutherford

    Need a quick lesson in x2 handling mods

    Well there is also R&D, PJS, and Worx top loaders. West Coast made three style rail grates. Jet Sports made an OP winged ride plate copy. I would stick with a top loader of some kind and a JD plate or winged plate. Maybe throw on a set of TBM sponsons. But really the steering and quick...
  7. dbrutherford

    Need a quick lesson in x2 handling mods

    I personally like a Jet Dynamics ride plate and grate. They claim to have two different grates but I had both and couldn't tell much of a difference between the two. I also liked the Ocean Pro finned plate. Of course both of these plates are more of a rec/racing setup which you will be...
  8. dbrutherford

    Yamaha's blow

    I would have sold you an X2... that sucks Scorn, I hate blowing stuff up... it usualy ends up blowing up a credit card balance too.
  9. dbrutherford

    X2 throttle... **TWISTED**

    I like finger throttles, I like thumbs, and I like twists. I wouldn't mind trying one on an X2 myself. I definetly think one wouldn't work on a stand up being the angle of the pole constantly changes as it bounces up and down. One thing that I hated about a friend's SJ was that he had...
  10. dbrutherford

    2009 smith lake assault

    A pic of an X2 with the hood off... that ride was complete then!
  11. dbrutherford

    I can't get my engine out, so I will just cut it out...DUH

    I bet he planned on putting the fiberglass pieces back in place with some plumber's straps and pop rivets!
  12. dbrutherford

    x2 mutiny?

    Well I still have two. One all stock and one in pieces. Just bought a huge house 5 mins from the river so I am unsure if I will ever get to finish a build since I am now BROKE! I thought about parting a few times but I think I will just get them both running so I have someone to ride with...
  13. dbrutherford

    X2 throttle... **TWISTED**

    I saw it is only water, wear a lanyard and try it. I will say this though... it will take some getting used to it. One of the hardest crashes I ever had was when I switched from a thumb to a twist on an ATV. I was so used to the thumb, I pulled a Doug Henry and launched into a tree. Anyone...
  14. dbrutherford

    Billet Kawi Porn

    I know. I would say these break because they got loose and vibrated. But it makes the second or third pipe I have seen break. That is all I was saying before. I have seen head pipes modified for use with gas valves. I just wish someoen would cast a new head pipe that overcomes having to...
  15. dbrutherford

    Parkour- Freerunning

    Saw a preview for the free running world championships. I guess they are going to have them on TV.
  16. dbrutherford

    Billet Kawi Porn

    Here is a broken head pipe. Looks like the one I saw in person. Not sure if we were talking about this on this thread or the billet yamaha cases thread...
  17. dbrutherford

    Special Tools

    Well I wasn't too happy with my screw driver battery strap tool and ended up buying one. You can make one out of a piece of 3/16" steel rod if you like. It needs to be pretty long, a lot longer than the old screw driver I was using as my tool. I think it was a Craftsman about 12" long. Teh...
  18. dbrutherford

    4 stroke freestyle motor??????

    But what if they quit making two stroke oil?
  19. dbrutherford

    Special Tools

    I ground a screw driver once so it had a little notch in it. My own cheapie battery strap tool.
  20. dbrutherford

    Billet Kawi Porn

    You guys are going to build steam engines?
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