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  1. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    I thought once it got so big there was issues with the pump not fitting right into the hull. I know Tom had to gring out a lot of his pump shoe and part of his WD Envy hull to fit a 142 on his build thread. Still though, I would be happy with just a 140 mag in my ski... I have always ridden...
  2. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    I have no experiences with the Yamaha pumps other than a few SJ's I have ridden. But Skat makes 142's I know for a fact. Not sure if they make bigger ones.
  3. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    I would just run the Kawasaki pump/driveshaft/bulkhead support/bearings. That way you don't have to fool with shimming the engine/pump as much as you do on a Yamaha. Just drop in the Yamaha engine with a kawasaki style coupler on it. As for the Gen 2 X2... I haven't won the lottery yet :(...
  4. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    I think that Big texan resturant was on the Travel Channel once. I remember seeing it on there. Glad the ski runs good. So what's the story about that X2 in the pic?
  5. dbrutherford

    Who Mountain Bikes for exercise?

    I spent 725 on my Gary Fisher Mullet. I think I might have 10 rides on it total.. lol I need to find some more peopel to ride with next year. The weather is getting cold and it will be ski/board season soon. Speaking of justifying money expenditures... I have a bunch tied up in that stuff...
  6. dbrutherford

    Kawasaki 300 SX for freestyle?

    There has been more than one swap finished over the years. Several 650's, WFO Speedracer did a 550 reed engien in one, and a guy on PWCT dod a rotax 720 in one. But the pump is tiny.. even smaller than a FX1. But I like the thought of big brap in a little ski. SFL - pass the butter.
  7. dbrutherford

    Do I need this????

    You mean a bypass fitting? I know wht one is. Read the comment I made about me acting like a rookie.
  8. dbrutherford

    Do I need this????

    What's a pisser? I might as well ask, i seemed like a rookie asking what those were. I was just wondering if they were through bulkhead fittings he used to attach his through hull cooling lines. Unless you do a defoam, sometimes it is tought to rig up a second cooling line Hence why people...
  9. dbrutherford

    Do I need this????

    Are those fittings on your bulkhead the ones from Riva for a 1300 GPR or something else from McMaster Carr or your own special I am a machinist master creation?
  10. dbrutherford

    fixed steering conversion prototype

    I think I have an old broom pole that could be used. lol Someone post those old pics of the flat deck with crazy fixed steering like this.
  11. dbrutherford

    Do I need this????

    So that's how they do it! duh! Ah I am too lazy to rig up anything like that... I leave mine in. Extra insurance in case your electric bilge craps out.
  12. dbrutherford

    Scupper Mod

    I thought i heard once someone was going to make a scupper with magnets in the flap and on the base. That is about the same idea... I always like the strainer that XFT's had in them to prevent you loosing a lost bolt... or nut..
  13. dbrutherford

    Updated Service manual Link (Updated april 1st, 2010)

    I have a bunch of Kawasaki manuals I can share.
  14. dbrutherford

    So I have an idea for 2010 for X members

    Cool idea. Only concerns obviously are someoen keeping it. The other would be someone losing it... One of the coolest video shots I have seen was in the Seth Enslow I video. Maybe it was a Crusty video but it was of Seth. They had the camera mounted on the bike facing him. It only...
  15. dbrutherford

    New Rickter RC-1

    I saw this photo the other day.
  16. dbrutherford

    New Rickter RC-1

    I can't believe no one has already said this... PHOTOSHOPPED! SFL's pic ofcourse... I am on the fence too. Good idea but being an X2 rider, I wouldn't have went with the pole concept...
  17. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    I have been wanting a S&W 357 7 round revolver for carry but will probably get a Kahr 9mm instead. I love my Kimber 1911 Stainless Raptor i got 4 months back. No eye or hearing protection though? Well sometimes I forget my shooting glasses but even shooting 22's i put the plugs in. I like to...
  18. dbrutherford

    $500 to who ever can tells me who dropped a ski on my X2

    So is your hood messed up? I will sell you a 94 cherry hood for 500 bucks :) But then that means I have to paint my ski and buy another hood :(
  19. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    I have a UMI that is pretty cool. But I am totally with you on the bolt & nut. At least when you fall over on a ski it won't break the trim lever!
  20. dbrutherford

    x2 Drive shafts question

    I have one of each. I wouldn't sweat it personally either way. I flipped out the first time I saw the early version. I bought an X2 to part out. Well I had all post larger X2's and 650 SX berfore that. So I had never seen a smaller one. Here I thought I had an aftermarket driveshaft...
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