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  1. dbrutherford

    ant feedback on blowsions new trim lever

    My thoughts exactly. I took one look and said is that a reworked UMI?
  2. dbrutherford

    EME 1000 build

    Suscribed. You have any pics of that 1100 kawie tripple Waterdawg Envy your friend has?
  3. dbrutherford

    Motocross season starts this weekend

    ALL SAID AND DONE! Well I am glad Dungey won but... I still think Pourcel should have won. He rode so smooth all year long. I guess Ryan Dungey was just a little more consistent when it mattered. That Mudds Creek race sure was wet! Here is to SX in another 5 months
  4. dbrutherford

    PRO Freestyle Sunday at Nats

    I like having a claiming rule like motocross did in the 70's. Bob Hannaha ran his air cooled bike one race because he was scared a privateer hot on the pro's heels would claim it and then get to use it at the next race. His air cooled bike seized and he didn't get many points that race. I...
  5. dbrutherford

    PRO Freestyle Sunday at Nats

    Who is Brennan? Gil you need to get the chit straight. His name is Brenden. Geeze do I have to learn you on everything?
  6. dbrutherford

    the proper way to blow your engine

    But I have pics of one I broke just like that a few years back!
  7. dbrutherford

    the proper way to blow your engine

    A free billet engine? If so I will take two of them...
  8. dbrutherford

    Motocross season starts this weekend

    Anybody going to Steel City? I think I am going to pass. It will be on TV. i ma just not that into MX like I was when I was younger. Besides I got surn burnt to hell and back at High Point this year. Then some guy made me feel bummed telling all the Budds Creek MX of Nations stories. :(...
  9. dbrutherford

    Yamaha 66e fans might like this

    Someone has to be the guinee pig. You seem like the most well versed in the 66e and builds around here...
  10. dbrutherford

    Yz250f motors

    Personally, I would try and find a complete engine. I know it can be done putting it back together but that is a lot of tiny parts that will nickle and dime you if some are missing. If you have a shop build it, that can add up too. Probably the reason why the owner wants to sell it. He can't...
  11. dbrutherford

    How much $ to build an SN hull into a running ski?

    Sky Diving is the same way. That is why I never go full into it. But I would give up all my ski stuff, clothes, trailers, parts, skis, tols, ect to swap over to jumping from planes.
  12. dbrutherford

    Yamaha 66e fans might like this

    Subscribed. Still mad you didn't build an 800 66E powered X2....
  13. dbrutherford

    Lucky man here!!

    Last post I saw said he said they were all sold. Such a shame we couldn't have bought a new one directly from the dealer.
  14. dbrutherford

    DASA B1 Blaster boat build

    Yeppers, I may just have to tune in to this one.
  15. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 650sx manual

    The 650 SX uses the 650 X2 service manual. Then kawasaki sold a "supplement" manual that had the additional info in it. Good luck findign the supplement manual...
  16. dbrutherford

    Any ideas on fuel pickups? Clunks?

    I have a pair of ones from JSS and a pair from Hot Products. The Hot Products are Sea Doo replacements. Never tried either of them yet but just posting for you so you can look for alternatives. Teh Hot Product ones are the same ones in the pic #.0 posted.
  17. dbrutherford

    Does anyone know what ski this starter fits?

    Deff not a kawie 650/750/800/900/1100. Although they look similar, they have a third middle bolt hole for the negative to bolt to. I heard you could switch end caps on a lot of starters and make them fit different types of skis.
  18. dbrutherford

    FML just in time for Surfslam

    Beats a busted set of cases, cylinder, reed cages, and starter... I have been there too, it does suck!
  19. dbrutherford


    There is a guy doing the "Service Honda Swap" and selling Ohio street legal title super motard CR500's in a CR250/450/ect aluminum chassi from time to time on eBay. If I was going to get a 500, I would do or get a conversion. But I agree, after owning a YZ250 for years, I wanted more...
  20. dbrutherford

    x2 gas cap cover

    I always loose them. So I just don't run one. I always threatened to make a better door but that requires effort and motivation...
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