Yea agreed, the concept music television had died decades ago.No more mtv news with Kurt loader, Kennedy or John Norris...gone are aired concerts and rock and jock sports! Its become terrible reality shows and contrived topics on social issues.. brapperdoodles build thread isn’t the place to vent on that I suppose. Back in the early 90s I used to like watching Beavis and butthead to see the obscure and bizarre music videos! Does anyone remember the old tv channel called
“ The Box” ? They played just music videos 24/7
Brapp on Brapperdoodles! We need more detailed updates and build threads to appreciate in times right now!
Well, I grew up in Daytona Beach in the early 1990's and my sister was in high school. She always had friends over and treated my brother and I as equals most of the time. That being said, I was exposed to a lot of that culture at the time and it left a mark. I grew up racing BMX, Surfing and Skateboarding all on the shores of Daytona. I was really lucky enough to catch the last bit of time before the digital era and computers took over. I remember passing notes in class, my first phone number 904-254-8806, WRITING CURSIVE, going to the video store with my parents, trying to find your friends after school by riding your bike around to places they might be, calling a girls parents and asking, "Hello Mr. Parker, May I please speak with Jennifer?" and then hoping nobody is listening in on the other phone! What i'm trying to say is that I really loved growing up that way and the longer time goes on the more I reminisce of that period in time. Anything that reminds me of that time makes me real happy. Im sure most of you can relate to some fond childhood memories. These colors and styles of art bring me back. I hope in some way this build will spark some good memories for you all of days past, and maybe inspire some to break the mold and choose whatever makes you happy. My ski might look a little funny to some, but to me it looks like a whole lot of fun

How can something that looks like that not be fun?