66e vs 951


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Oh yes thats very clear, WDK is making a fortune off of you peeps,money is the reason he is doing it.Everybody is not running Polaris sled motors in their freestyle boats either ,but some people are,are these people crazy for not following everyone elses lead,no I don't think so they found a combo that works for them and thats what they went with,everyone else be damned ,either lead ,follow or get the hell out of the way!

So true!

Some follow like sheep



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Cleveland Ohio
Simple rule, if others are doing it, there is probably a pretty good reason for it.

Nice logic. I am sure the 66E hits like a mofo, but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to get big power. (If I ever blow my Kawi motor, I'm selling off the parts and dumping a 951 in my ski).
Oh yes thats very clear, WDK is making a fortune off of you peeps,money is the reason he is doing it.Everybody is not running Polaris sled motors in their freestyle boats either ,but some people are,are these people crazy for not following everyone elses lead,no I don't think so they found a combo that works for them and thats what they went with,everyone else be damned ,either lead ,follow or get the hell out of the way!

You're missing my point. But I digress.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I am from Alabama ,we still use corncobs here,if want I will send you some.I will have to go out to the outhouse to get them though.


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Cleveland Ohio
allright...this is dumb. :261:

Does anyone have any sound reasons as to why I should or should not run a 951 in my ski? If I get the flame arrestors higher, it should be very reliable. They run 2 or 3 miles at WOT in the big pig couches. It should run FOREVER with me brap, brap, BRAPPIN around the waves.
What does the 951 weigh compared to an 800 kawi motor? I posed about doing this to my 750sx and was told its way heavier. It got me thinking about the pjs 850, but for 2500.00 it claims 130hp- what does the 951 make in stock form and with mods? sorry to intereupt the a$$ wiping discussion.

**edit, just checked my old thread, the 951 is 110lbs, how much does an 800 weigh?
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
130 hp bone stock,I can get you a weight tomorrow as I have several out doing repairs at present,I hear they are getting 170-190 hp out of these now,without ridiculous mods.For freestyle I would want to retain the stock pipe,it has the most bottom end you will ever get on that engine .
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at peace
130 hp bone stock,I can get you a weight tomorrow as I have several out doing repairs at present,I hear they are getting 170-190 hp out of these now,without ridiculous mods.For freestyle I would want to retain the stock pipe,it has the most bottom end you will ever get on that engine .

Why was the RXX considered to be such a maintenance nightmare and low hour timebomb?
Wasn't it rated at only about 165HP?
aside from keeping the stock pipe, can it be ported for better low end? is there a shop that specializes in porting the 951? whats the going rate for a complete 951?

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
You are going to end up buying a complete boat and cannibalizing it,I would say they are going for around $2000.00,thats dependant on condition of course,then you sell offwhat you don't need and get some of your money back.


I forgot!
reasons to do it is that miller builds a 1050 big bore kit, add a TL ignintion, and a pipe. with 190 psi. that would be a crazy nice setup IMO. that is what i would put in my superjet or the sled version with electrionic semi direct fuel injection.
look at pwc for some 1050 big bore motor shortblocks for around 1100.00

the racer guys have been modding these motors for years and i search and found some hp claims of 200+ cool ass motors if we can get them to work for freestyle.


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at peace
My point was that at 165HP, it was considered a time bomb.
Someone in this thread mentioned 170HP+ motors. I am confident I wouldn't want that reliability nightmare.


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Cleveland Ohio
I would bet with a light flywheel and a little compression it would RIP. 130HP stock? That is plenty allready for me.

I know my SXR is probably at 115 right now, with my compression at 155 and my pipe and light flywheel. (Thats all I got)
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