66e vs 951

The 951 motor is a very reliable motor as long as you make sure you address the low carb issues. These motors are designed to push around couches that weigh in excess of 550 lbs. With a Coffman's pipe, a head with 165psi and nice set of carbs and an ignition, you are looking at 150-160hp on pump gas pushing a ski that weights 200lbs less than a runabout. Plus, if you want, you have a ton of options to make a lot more power, such as the 1050 kits. A lot of racers are going the 951 route, and racing a motor is a lot more abusive than short bursts required for freestyle/freeride.

I am not knocking the 66e platform. It is a very nice motor, but I don't see why a properly set up 951 wouldn't be just as powerful and equally as reliable.



steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
but that is not what neccessarily made it a time bomb. The fact of it being a race boat does........ Just like any race boat that is not stock....

Even with constant care and tweaking they sometimes let go.

KMAC's SXR Limited let go again for the 2nd time in 3 years at the nationals. And his was not raced very much at all this year nor ridden. Chit happens.

Good points I suppose.

IMHO, I would use one of those big conversion motors only to get HP reliably. So I wouldn't build it up, I'd try to keep it as stock as possible.


havin fun
clearwater FL
I don't see it. it takes the same work to mount either motor, both need lotsa parts to get the freestyle performance needed, the doos electrical is crappy and more hassle then the yami( to me) unless you have a way to bypass the mpem and lanyard that I don't know about.

terry- tell em how much the cdi and mpem cost each! ouch. the plug connector onthe front of the motor is always a weak spot.

800 coupler mounts right up.

downside on 800 is am parts availability.

I concede the 951 makes a better race motor. seadoos in general are more powerfull with less motor, but it comes at a price. that price is reliability/longevity.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Good points I suppose.

IMHO, I would use one of those big conversion motors only to get HP reliably. So I wouldn't build it up, I'd try to keep it as stock as possible.

That is why peeps are putting them in their SXR's for racing. For the money, they are spending less than they would to build a full SuperStock Race motor and getting the same power.


Ride for life
North NJ
the doos electrical is crappy and more hassle then the yami( to me) unless you have a way to bypass the mpem and lanyard that I don't know about.

You can use whole new ignition system from Advent or Igni-power(?) to run them in a sxr. I hear it's still major pain to get them wired up.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I don't see it. it takes the same work to mount either motor, both need lotsa parts to get the freestyle performance needed, the doos electrical is crappy and more hassle then the yami( to me) unless you have a way to bypass the mpem and lanyard that I don't know about.

terry- tell em how much the cdi and mpem cost each! ouch. the plug connector onthe front of the motor is always a weak spot.

800 coupler mounts right up.

downside on 800 is am parts availability.

I concede the 951 makes a better race motor. seadoos in general are more powerfull with less motor, but it comes at a price. that price is reliability/longevity.

You know Tom I couldn't tell what a cdi-coil costs or what a MPEM costs on a 951,you want to know why ,because I have never had to replace one,thats right not one single failure of an MPEM or CDI-coil on a 951,I also couldn't tell you what a set of cases cost,same reason,I did have one let a rod go,it cracked the case barely,I had it welded and off it went,crappy electrics,expolding cases,I am just not seeing it and have never seen it.

Their are numerous options on the electrics now because of the racers,MSD setups and ADVENT setups out the yingyang.I don't know that the Doo engine needs any parts for freestyle use other than maybe put a total loss on it and move the intakes which I have already figured out how to do that.

Reliability issues ,I have many units running around here that have over 300 hours on them with no internal engine problems.I am working on a couple OF boats now,one was turned over the wrong way ,the water was never evacuated from the engine and it has been sitting with water in the engine for an undetermined length of time,it also has pro K's on it.One I am working on did not have the spring in the oil line from the tank and the oil line kinked ,it killed one piston,another one I have out now has in excess of 300 hrs on it ,was sunk numerous times,crappy oil has been run in it,it had an R&D head on it and an R&D power plenum,damn what more do you want an engine to do?

I will say this I have been into way more 800 Yami engines that 951 Seadoos,most of the Yami engines never made it past 80 hours of operation before a power valve dropped or an oil line came off,most of these SEADOOS are now pushing over 200 hrs of operation.I have replaced some starters and starter clutches and an occasional stator assy,the stators are usually taken out by bad starter clutches letting go and sticking metal pieces into the stator.:wiggle:
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wannabe backflipper
gold coast
i have seen some tough 951,s and if you think they wouldnt work in a free style setup then your mistaken
I do believe they may be to much for a free style setup but never woudl i consider them not enough

I have seen them smash cases when a rods let go but i do believe it was more a fault of the crank that was installed it wasnt a genuine crank
they are a heavy piston and alot of load on the rod

if i was building a free riode boat and had to make a choice then its easy
951 all the way
cheaper and more power


havin fun
clearwater FL
well Terry- I have had to replace one and know someone who is looking for one. they ain't cheap, and as far as TL its just one more thing to add to the overall cost.

it wasn't a slam, just sayin it ain't way easier or cheaper. I think its fair to say they both need some lovin to make em more reliable, but its still a mess of work and money on either motor to make it work.

BESIDES, this is all moot because everyone knows that the honda turbo motors are the best.:nana: and the wax is oh so nice.:eek:uttahere:
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Hondas are great,they make great grocery getters and generators,I don't think I want that Honda Civic engine in my standup though.I can only give you my experiences with the 951 as those are the only ones I have complete and total knowledge of,your experiences may vary and it has a lot to do with enviroment,fresh water only here!
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I forgot!
you can get a 1050 bigbore phase1 and a new msd tl for cheaper than any other 1000cc motor i have seen. obvi there would be alot more work in fabbing parts and cutting a hole in the side of the superjet to have twin pipes but man it would be so worth it. lol. terry how do the powervlaves work on the 951? gas or electronic? if electronic how do the racers get them to work with the msd?

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
They are gas powered and can be modded to work without the hose from the crankcase,takes about 5 minutes and a drill bit.No electronic crap on these babies.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
im not sure where the tl comes in
how is it different than a 66e
what ignition are you planning on running in that
have you ever weighed a 66e flywheel


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
the cost thing is apples and ornges. the reason the 951 is cheaper is because no one makes a kit. you have to do it yourself. good luck getting the 951 with stock pipe in a superjet.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
You don't have to run a TL but I was asked how you could simplify the ignition,that is how I would do it.The aluminum flywheel wouldn't hurt either,there are already couplers made to bolt to the Seadoo pto to hook up to the Kawi coupler and from what I saw on my X2 a rear bracket could be made to span the two rear Kawi engine mounts ,that would leave one front mount to be glassed in and it mounts flat.
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