oh yeah......sore as hell today from Wednesday still. My armpits and chest are crazy sore from push presses.
Still having issues with some of the weight lifting. Like I keep pushing out instead of straight up so Russ stood right in front of me and was like "Do NOT hit me...now push it up" :drillsergeant: He scares me.
I was struggling with a lower weight ....kept screwing my form up so he moved me up 10 lbs and I looked at him like he was crazy.....and sure enough I popped it up much easier than the lower weight. I was struggling on my last few reps and he was like Emily you have to get pissed off.....take a deep breath and get pissed.....so I did and I thought of some whiny punk that tells me how lazy I am :Banane01:
WOD is a 5K today but since it is supposed to be coming a flood I am not sure how we will get that done.
He made me go over to jumping pull ups....those things tear my hands up. Monday was 120 pull ups and 120 ring dips and I got 60 of each done before my arms turned to jello. I struggled through the last round but had my two trainers and some of my fellow workout folks pumping me up. I was sharing rings with a 6'4" or 6'5" massive black guy that was in my face telling me I could do it while he was holding back Mr. Pukie. It is just a whole new experience for me. I actually enjoy pushing myself to the extreme!!! I am addicted!!!! :dance::Banane25:
oh and we are getting new shirts made right now that say Crossfit H'ville - if it was easy it would be your mom....haha the shirts are still quite entertaining.