i found some woven 3k carbon fiber/kevlar-29 cloth that i can wrap the cells in and soak the living heck out of it with epoxy, get a foodsaver bag system and vacuum it all together and let it set inside the bag. the total cost ( for me to purchase all of the things i need to make this happen) is $25 for the cloth, $10 for the epoxy, $128.44 for the cells, 8 gauge ( 4 gauge is excessive) wire at $3.39/meter 8mm gold bullet connectors ( i would solder on the one set and send you the mating set so you can either make an adapter or solder them directly to your battery leads) $36 shipped for a dozen pairs. $4 plus shipping for 4s balance leads, and a 2-8s cell checker with LVA for $3.64. the only thing i want out of this is to pay for my labor. i would ask for $50. most of this stuff is coming from one place, so i can combine shipping and save there. $287 for the first one and probably $250 for each one up to 12, then the same thing all over. i would have no warranty given to me with regards to the pack cells, but the ratings of them are very attractive. 3500 cycles with 100% DOD (depth of discharge) 2400w/kg power output (the weight of the pack of cells is 1920grams) ABUSE TEST RESULTS: nail penetration- PASS-EUCAR 3 ( leakage, no venting, no flame,no rupture, no explosion, loss of less than 50% of electrolyte( solvent+salt) OVERCHARGE -PASS-EUCAR 3, OVERDISCHARGE-PASS-EUCAR 3, THERMAL STABILITY -PASS- EUCAR 4 ( venting, no flame, no rupture, no explosion, loss of greater to or equal of 50% of electrolyte) (thermal stability is setting great heat to it and passing thermal threshold (say your jetski is on fire and the battery is in the path of the flame). so they are very safe.
anyway, let me know what you all would like to do.