Better than yours 550 freestyle build.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Perhaps... but Id have to get a good amount of deep scoop intake grates first. I think the final result could have been better... in a rush I forgot to make multiple tacks and the total curve warped a bit while welding. Not that I'll feel the difference but you can see it if you look. Only reason I did this is Ive never been able to find a sufficiently aggressive toploader for 650. Only little dinky ones like Zig makes, or incredibly rare PJS ones that sell for 100+

Layed down a 3rd layer of biax on the tray, foamed the footholds, and installed the last of the cooling lines. Its freezing. Off to do some community service then WATER TEST!!! I hope the resin is dry by then... or else I'm gettin my feet sticky. I shall have videos posted by the end of the day!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !

Ohhhh yeah…you’re popular indeedie! :jester: (I luv the hat/glasses pic btw, ha ha, ya nut!)

Now quit posting and get meticulously BUSY (no skipping school either)!!! You have less than 48 hours!!! :argue: Your skilled acquaintance is welding my trailer today btw, plus he wants to buy it!! :cheer: I’m off to try to late renew my ski regs in a minute! :fingersx:

Holy hawt avatars!


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Kev, Yea I'm leavin around 10 tomorrow. Will definately be there by noon.
I'm actually going to have to buy DAP glue in the morning and glue my mats on and let them dry on the ride to daytona.

First this...

Impeller came today. Thats a nice c75 hub.... :wiggle:

9 / 17 Hooker with a 6mm cutback. Balanced and everything brand new from Impros.

Also put in this "freestyle cone" i made too.


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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
And the moment youve all been waiting for. Took it out today with mixed results. I found a few issues.

For one. This is the first time Ive run the aluminum SJ limited chamber as opposed to my old stainless blaster mod chamber. The ski seems to be running a lot richer.

I also need to cut up a PTO cover so its not shooting water all in my flame arrestors.

My boysen carbon Rad reeds are shot. The F/A's are being backfueled. This irritates me, these reeds only have about 20 hours on them.

The pump is cavitating like hell. This is running just a normal 14/17 skat 650 impeller and a stock length pump cone, NOT my new Hooker and stubby cone. I put these in tonight, I have a feeling they will fix the problem.

The ski didnt have turf on it and was IMPOSSIBLE to stay on. I was sliding all over and couldnt ride worth crap. Theres only one spot in this video where I'm past 1/2 throttle, I just couldnt stay on while the nose went straight up.

I got it tuned out a bit, but it was so damn cold I got out of the water. It runs good enough to take to daytona though. So Heres the vid!

First run of the sj550

Second run of the sj550


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the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
man, I hate carbon reeds. sounds brappy though. looks and sounds like an fx-1 out
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CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Anyway, got half a day riding in today on the lake. This baby pulls. It bucks as well. It does NOT like to stay on the water. It seems much more happy skipping about. Deffinately not a racing ski.

We are still having trouble predicting which way the ski will shoot off after landing, but we are slowly getting hang of it. The ski is incredibly light for the power. It LOVES to flat spin and DEFFINATELY needs tubbies back on it. However I think most of the riding trouble is the cold.... its really making me ride "nervously" i guess, and its also making my shoulder very stiff from dislocating it a few weeks ago.

The pump is still cavitating, but no where near like it was with the skat 14/17. At a low bottom speed and crack wide open throttle it will just cavitate like crazy. I have a few options to try and fix. Take out the aggressive toploader I made and replace it with a normal scoop, and then if that doesnt work try messing around with a fullsize pump cone and nozzle sizes. If none of that works its time for a TBM pump cone (so who has one for me?)

So enough yap and I'll let the videos speak for themselves.


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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
so what happened to that thing the other day... looked like it was only running for a short time. you have motor issues or something? and its way louder in person lol.

i pointed at you while i was riding... i was on the blue roundnose with the white hood.


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
I'm pretty sure the fuel pump took a crap out there in the surf... and eventually the battery died. I totally didnt see you point, my vision is horrible without glasses.... You shoulda come by and said hey though. How did you spot me? Though I must say, I should have been pretty stand outish in my german helmet... that and I was the ONLY 550 there....
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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
it was easy to spot you... alll i had to do was put an ear out. plus the helmet and 550 gave it away.

by the time i brought my ski back in i didnt see your truck or ski anymore.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
I'm pretty sure the fuel pump took a crap out there in the surf... and eventually the battery died. I totally didnt see you point, my vision is horrible without glasses.... You shoulda come by and said hey though. How did you spot me? Though I must say, I should have been pretty stand outish in my german helmet... that and I was the ONLY 550 there....

you weren't the only 550, I saw a picture where a guy had a yellow '82 out there....


CFL Cheapass.
Oviedo, Fl
Kickass. I cant wait till I get the money for #.0 to build me a big bore.... then that will be more loud!

Until then I need a set of SBN 46's...
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