Depends on the state and which offices are required to approve the purchase. My wife and I bought on a saturday; My wife's was done in 10 minutes while I had to wait till the immigration office opened on Monday, (I am Canadian). The immigration office opened at 8am monday and I had approval by 9am. Had I purchased early enough on a weekday, I could have had mine in as little as 15-20 minutes as well.
I'm still bothered by the fact that I can't carry a handgun, or any weapon for that matter, during the week on my 150 mile daily commute simply because my work does not allow weapons on site, even in our personal vehicles. I have spent hours looking for a loophole and found none. I can carry, it's just my job if they ever find out. Considering the amount of time I spend on the road and all the miles I travel, I figure I'm more likely to have an incident on the road than I am at home so I would like to carry.
Dude throw it under your seat. Your thinking to much......... Unless you have random searches....