Hand guns


Depends on the state and which offices are required to approve the purchase. My wife and I bought on a saturday; My wife's was done in 10 minutes while I had to wait till the immigration office opened on Monday, (I am Canadian). The immigration office opened at 8am monday and I had approval by 9am. Had I purchased early enough on a weekday, I could have had mine in as little as 15-20 minutes as well.

I'm still bothered by the fact that I can't carry a handgun, or any weapon for that matter, during the week on my 150 mile daily commute simply because my work does not allow weapons on site, even in our personal vehicles. I have spent hours looking for a loophole and found none. I can carry, it's just my job if they ever find out. Considering the amount of time I spend on the road and all the miles I travel, I figure I'm more likely to have an incident on the road than I am at home so I would like to carry.

Dude throw it under your seat. Your thinking to much......... Unless you have random searches....

Painted up the lettering


And these followed me home today that makes 6 now....i have a problem.


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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
It has only just begun...I'm thinking of picking up a full sized SR9 for the range and concealing the SR9c in an undisclosed location in my vehicle. Within easy reach if I need it but likely to pass 95% of vehicle searches still.

In case anyone is interested, this is what 1500 rounds of 9mm looks like.
Second pic is what my grouping is looking like at 10 yards after 4 trips to the range and 200 rounds.


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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Anyone else looking into reloading? I've been doing the math and coming up short on reloading for the 9mm. Basically I can buy and shoot new for only $25 more per 1000 rounds. (pricing based on average cost of mid grade components purchased from Cabelas while reusing my own collected brass = $.18/round.). I would have to be able to reload for $0.10 or less to consider making the investment.

I did manage to find a pretty nice used Dillon RL550 progresive press locally for $275. It's set up for .44 Mag but $30 would get you set up for a different calibre. I'm pretty tempted but unless I either pick up another gun or start shooting 250-500 rounds a month or more then I just don't see it worth the investment.
Dont know about all that reloading nonsense doesnt seem cost effective unless youre shooting thousands of rounds per month
It pretty much comes down to that. But you can make loads tailored to your gun(s) and/or make real nice quality rounds.

Bet 99% of people couldn't tell the difference between a handload and a factory load and id be willing to bet that most dont care anyways


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I cared :(

And I knew some special people that would find max loads in loading manuals and then add 20% powder. :clown:
Can anyone say kaboom? I dont know if id wanting to test the upper limits like that anyone you know ever have a catastrophic failure?
Do you have a chrono for testing loads or how can you be sure of what yourmaking and how do you know when to call it even? When you gun self dismantles?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Do you have a chrono for testing loads or how can you be sure of what yourmaking and how do you know when to call it even? When you gun self dismantles?

I never used a chrono. I never came close to published max loads, either. You don't typically load for max velocity. Load development starts at a little above published minimum and you increase towards max (but staying below it) until you find the best grouping. If it's for a semi, you also need to find the spot where it cycles the best.

The guy with the ++++P+++++ loads was doing it with Hi-Points no less.
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