Is the sport / market declining?

Just doing a little basic lookup for the electric ski theory and I'm sure I'm not accurate enough, but if my theory is correct then the lithium battery for an electric motor of 40.5 kwh (5hp gas is about 3hp electric), which appears to give an almost equivalent horsepower to Yamaha's stock 62T rn sj (Yamaha claims 78 hp, the closest equivalent in electric is about 46.8 kwh?), the battery would weigh in at about 430 kg or almost 900 lbs for the smaller 40.5 kwh. This is just strictly on an engine to engine possibility and maybe I'm way off here but if that's even within a mile of being close, I wonder how heavy a fully electric ski would weigh in at. I have absolutely no knowledge of the electric side and maybe that's a massive electric motor that would never be needed, I'm not sure I'm just considering this on a numbers to numbers aspect. I'd be interested to know how it would actually be in a real world engineering consideration. I wouldn't buy an electric ski anyway but it would be nifty to see if it's even possible to make it potent like a gas ski and stay light. One thing I have experienced while being on a road trip with a friend's ev Hyundai was a strange and sudden onset of a migraine and motion sickness. I looked into that and apparently it is a thing that the some people have experienced this. I doubt it would happen on a ski but I guess you never know until you know :/
Not to mention the cost of said batteries. I fly rc airplanes that use lipos. Most of my planes are edf jets. They use a 6 cell battery at 25v. The edf is a 90mm housing with a 12 blade rotor with a 1900kv motor. That setup at max throttle pushes around 120 amps. The typical battery for that is a 5-6000mah battery. On a full charge, you can get around 3-330 min of flight time depending on the model and how hard you fly. The batteries needed that can handle that type of sustained amps without any voltage sag half way through the flight are about 100 bucks a piece. I can get 2 years on the batteries if I'm lucky and take great care of them with slow charging and not over discharging which can cause the battery to puff. The other important thing is to keep the batteries stored at around 22-23v. Storing the lipos fully charged will actually damage them and greatly shorten life span.


Buy a Superjet
I think you could get superjet type power fairly cheap:

4 of these packs to run 96v 50ah.


Buy a Superjet
Not to mention the cost of said batteries. I fly rc airplanes that use lipos. Most of my planes are edf jets. They use a 6 cell battery at 25v. The edf is a 90mm housing with a 12 blade rotor with a 1900kv motor. That setup at max throttle pushes around 120 amps. The typical battery for that is a 5-6000mah battery. On a full charge, you can get around 3-330 min of flight time depending on the model and how hard you fly. The batteries needed that can handle that type of sustained amps without any voltage sag half way through the flight are about 100 bucks a piece. I can get 2 years on the batteries if I'm lucky and take great care of them with slow charging and not over discharging which can cause the battery to puff. The other important thing is to keep the batteries stored at around 22-23v. Storing the lipos fully charged will actually damage them and greatly shorten life span.
I built a gokart years ago that ran on 12 4c 5000mah batteries. Motor was 1hp 24v. lucky hobbyking has some great deals once in a while on batteries.

The most practical application is going to be in a flat water ski I believe. I have been eyeing over the stark varg dirt bike and I truly believe that you could make a similar sized product work in a flat water ski successfully. Will it be cheap? No. But price wise it would fall in line with the current petrol offerings. And the weight penalty wouldn't be that substantial, in fact there might not even be a weight penalty and if so i think it would be pretty small.


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Sacramento Delta
If we can get Trump in and he fulfills his promise to “Drill Baby Drill!,” then gasoline supply will increase.

And if all you guys go electric, then gasoline demand will correspondingly go down.

As a result gasoline price per gallon could conceivably decrease to $1.50 or less for all us guys who want to stay with liquid fuel!


Site Supporter
Indiana, USA
If we can get Trump in and he fulfills his promise to “Drill Baby Drill!,” then gasoline supply will increase.

And if all you guys go electric, then gasoline demand will correspondingly go down.

As a result gasoline price per gallon could conceivably decrease to $1.50 or less for all us guys who want to stay with liquid fuel!
I'll eat a JS440 hull piece by piece if we see $1.50 fuel in the next 5 years, bar a massive incident like COVID.
We need 75000-100000 watts from a battery. The dangerous li-po cells can easily deliver this much power from a 100lb battery. The problem is low run time and high cost.
If we can get Trump in and he fulfills his promise to “Drill Baby Drill!,” then gasoline supply will increase.

And if all you guys go electric, then gasoline demand will correspondingly go down.

As a result gasoline price per gallon could conceivably decrease to $1.50 or less for all us guys who want to stay with liquid fuel!
You do realize we already pump more crude than any other country and it has been going up every year?
So supply is already up and demand is down from it's peak in 2019 yet gas prices are still high......
The other driving factor is the gas companies, they like profits and large ones at that so there is really no reason for them to increase refining which would require investing billions and making less money. Something about returns on investment. Drilling more isn't going to solve anything as the oil companies are very efficient at getting oil now and not using leases that are already available. It is a great campaign slogan but not going to get oil companies to drill more.
No, I am not giving up my 2-strokes for electric.
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Site Supporter
Sacramento Delta
No, in this case Trump is the Anti-War President.

Vote with Dick Cheney and George Bush who have endorsed Kamala Harris for President to continue the war in Ukraine if you want more death and destruction and support for the military industrial complex.

@mikidymac No, Biden closed Anwar from drilling in Alaska on day one and also closed the Keystone Pipeline on day one of his administration. We need cheaper energy. We need to kill the green new deal windmills and solar and drill for more oil to bring down prices to increase economic activity in the private sector to pay off the 36 Trillion Dollar National Debt.

Sure vote with Cheney and Bush who lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to keep us funding the military industrial complex for the coming 20-year Ukraine war:



The CIA killed the Kennedys because they wanted to end the Vietnam War. Nixon was forced out by the FBI and CIA because he ended the Vietnam War. The U.S.A. has been in continual wars since the Korean War.

Go ahead and vote for more war. More forever wars. But make sure that you or your children or grandchildren are the ones who are backing up your vote with their lives -- not other peoples' children and grandchildren.
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You do realize we already pump more crude than any other country and it has been going up every year?
So supply is already up and demand is down from it's peak in 2019 yet gas prices are still high......
The other driving factor is the gas companies, they like profits and large ones at that so there is really no reason for them to increase refining which would require investing billions and making less money. Something about returns on investment. Drilling more isn't going to solve anything as the oil companies are very efficient at getting oil now and not using leases that are already available. It is a great campaign slogan but not going to get oil companies to drill more.
No, I am not giving up my 2-strokes for electric.
The telling part here is that he didn't have a rebuttal to literally anything you said here, and just doubled down on what he said initially.


Site Supporter
Sacramento Delta
You can't talk about a market without talking about what you call "politics" which is what I call government interference with the market.

Please come here and give me your advice:

Also, lose some weight . . .


walking on water
Site Supporter
I think you could get superjet type power fairly cheap:

4 of these packs to run 96v 50ah.
The guy with the Hulk Lite hulls, who sold out to now defunct Nikola Powersports, used Zero to make his electric jet ski.

They took down the youtube video of it. Taiga's Sitdown is in the wild. People have reviewed them.
ill start off by saying ill be 31 in march
im really lucky as my 15x15 square studio in socal is only 1600 a month. my 2019 husqavarn 701 supermoto costs me about 250 a month and about 1k a year to insure. my phone bill is paid for the year. truck is paid off and thankfully registered and insured in AZ which is about 50 bucks a month. grocerys for me and the wife and the 2 puppies are about 2-350 hundred a month not including eating out for lunch or dinner dates. about 150 a month in gas to and from work every month if i dont ride my bike. netflix, hulu, gym membership blah blah

expenses are around 2500 bucks a month for me

my mom pays 1200 a month for her house. its really discouraging for people my age who were anything less than perfect in their younger years.

economy is trash the whole time iv been an 18 year old adult. and there hasn't been any real sure sight of relief for us.

i dont make much more than that but enough to save a little here an there.

so far i bought a hull from tigercraft and a handlepoll. (have to pay off my card a little more before i can ship it) that alone has set me back alot, but ill get it done eventually.

i believe the price is an issue but its not everything. iv always wanted a flip ski ever since iv seen one. someone on body beach let me right there rickter when i was like 18 years old and i immediately got off it because i knew i loved it and knew i would never be able to afford it at that time. i grew up riding my dads fx1 and i loved the freedom it gave me as a teenager, which is why i still love riding skis and could give a poop about boats. that being said i do have a truck, and a bike. i think alot of people are smart and realize that instead of spending your savings on a flip ski like a dumby, you should save it for a house. its sad but my mind is made up that having kids are a luxury expense and buy a house is out of the question.

im 100 percent in belief that all the politics are the problem with this country, dems and republicans. nobodys doing poop but lining their own pockets.

The only thing that will save this sport is the wonderful people in this forum helping the new guys out with there builds and promoting the sport. anyone who falls in love with riding a ski will want to ride, just a matter of letting the little guy down the beach test your new js550 rebuild and watching him smile. Promoting the sport could be done better too. Idk how but literally nobody talks about skis except me and you guys haha.
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Buy a Superjet
The guy with the Hulk Lite hulls, who sold out to now defunct Nikola Powersports, used Zero to make his electric jet ski.

They took down the youtube video of it. Taiga's Sitdown is in the wild. People have reviewed them.
I am waiting for someone like watercraft journal or another knowledgeable pwc person/group to review them. So far they look like overpriced slow heavy couches. =/


walking on water
Site Supporter
I am waiting for someone like watercraft journal or another knowledgeable pwc person/group to review them. So far they look like overpriced slow heavy couches. =/
They go 57 or 62, which is faster than entry level sitdowns? Please don't call Watercraft Journal knowledgeable! LOL story for another day....

Orca is 530-580lbs, that blows an FX Yamaha away at 866lbs. Sparks are 420ish dry, wet they're 500 pounds.


Buy a Superjet
They go 57 or 62, which is faster than entry level sitdowns? Please don't call Watercraft Journal knowledgeable! LOL story for another day....

Orca is 530-580lbs, that blows an FX Yamaha away at 866lbs. Sparks are 420ish dry, wet they're 500 pounds.
I stand corrected. Those specs are pretty good!
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