RE-confirming that refoaming is the worst job - UPDATE post 181


So long and thanks for all the fish
Matt, you don't realize I'm slowly working my way into Team Ugly while you've been working your way out.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Finally! :cool2:

Looks good.
What did you do around the footholds?
that's not the 'normal' wammer cut on the top edge (like mine)...

One piece for the sides, and it wraps around into the foothold. I probably need to put some more inside the footholds, but want to ride it first to see if it needs it or not.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Like I said, I probably need more inside, but the places where my shoe will touch are covered, just not sure how tight until I ride it.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Do you find one piece is better versus a few pieces for the foothold?


It is a cleaner install........... plus, seams are weak points............. Just heat the turf up, and wrap, you may have to make some relief cuts when you turn under, depending on the foothold design, you may have to add a wedge (but it is out of site) or you may have to actually remove a wedge..........


So long and thanks for all the fish
I'm not sure if you can tell, but I also shaped the 25mm underpad slightly going into the footholds, it just barely slopes downward.

And for all the comments about the black on the dash, this is just a get me by turf job, I'm hoping to paint next spring if Dave Ramsey allows it.


So long and thanks for all the fish
BTW, here is a comparison of my old and the new.




The Good Old Days
Looks good :biggthumpup:

Did you put any padding in the footholds (sides and top) or just turf ?
I hope to have my glassed in this weekend than I need to order the turf.
I sheet should do the tray even with the odd screw up, right ?


So long and thanks for all the fish
It was all worth it, the 25mm underpad is awesome, the Watercraft Factory footholds are awesome, I actually stay connected to the ski now, and the ski is tons lighter, just over 20lbs lighter!

I ended up with 25mm underpad in the footholds, but I shaved it down may 5mm in there, with 1 layer of turf on it, and 2 layers of turf on the tops of the footholds and they fit me perfectly with Asics shoes and neoprene socks inside those. It's cool, because when you kick in, the underpad really lets your foot go in, then grabs you.
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South Jersey
It was all worth it, the 25mm underpad is awesome, the Watercraft Factory footholds are awesome, I actually stay connected to the ski now, and the ski is tons lighter, just over 20lbs lighter!

I ended up with 25mm underpad in the footholds, but I shaved it down may 5mm in there, with 1 layer of turf on it, and 2 layers of turf on the tops of the footholds and they fit me perfectly with Asics shoes and neoprene socks inside those. It's cool, because when you kick in, the underpad really lets your foot go in, then grabs you.

What size shoe are you Darin? Narrow foot? I just finished my foothold install this past weekend (pics to follow) and I only turfed my ski (no padding). I wear a size 13 and as I'm riding it today for the first time, I couldn't understand how people use padding and multiple ht layers inside these footholds? They seem to fit perfect with just hydroturf (for me anyway).

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