RE-confirming that refoaming is the worst job - UPDATE post 181


I'm ready to foam tomorrow. I also finally bought some biaxial tape instead of my cheapo tape, man is that stuff easier to work with and stronger overall.

And before anyone asks, the red you see on those 2 pieces is my old West System resin---the hardener turned red over the years. It still hardens just fine, it's just blood red. The best part is when you mix up some paste with filler, it looks like coagulated blood!

i had some turn red like that too:sgrin:


The Good Old Days
So that's all the glass you need to make that tray as strong as before ??

I thought I would need to add layers on the whole tray so I ordered a s load of cloth.

My tray gets cut open tomorrow and I hope to have it closed by Monday evening with new foam and all.


So long and thanks for all the fish
So that's all the glass you need to make that tray as strong as before ??

I thought I would need to add layers on the whole tray so I ordered a s load of cloth.

My tray gets cut open tomorrow and I hope to have it closed by Monday evening with new foam and all.

Wow, if you have the time, yes it can be done, but that's a fast schedule.

defoam, let inside finish drying out
seal all tubes/bondline/etc, let sealant cure
fiberglass footholds/access plates back in, let resin cure
foam, let cure
fiberglass foaming holes, let cure, turf it while that's happening

That was my schedule, though stretched out because we have 3 kids and all the stuff that goes on in life so I'm at 3 weeks now in my process.

I mixed some resin/filler and filled in the gap where I cut the plate out, then glassed over that. With the foam on the back side, it should have plenty of support, plus I'll have 25mm underpad which will reduce the peak impact the tray will see on landings.


The Good Old Days
The schedule is all screwed up and my turf isn't even ordered.
I have a week left to get my ski up and running and on the road to Sebastian.

It's all your fault, SuperJETT.

I was quite happy to just put in the footholds and call it a day until I saw your post.
Now I have all these valves, pipes, foam, sealants waiting to get thrown at my ski and I'm running out of time.

I guess it will all be worth it in the long run.

Now quit reading my babble, you have a ski to finish and pictures to take so people like me can get inspired.:biggthumpup:


So long and thanks for all the fish
Actually, I'm waiting on the resin to cure, plus I have the kids by myself right now so no working out in the garage tonight.


So long and thanks for all the fish
I'll ride as long as I can fix my airleak and get my intake grate welded up. I'm also hoping Kahuna took a spare impeller to Nashville for me to borrow while I get mine redone.


I'll ride as long as I can fix my airleak and get my intake grate welded up. I'm also hoping Kahuna took a spare impeller to Nashville for me to borrow while I get mine redone. work looks good. I didn't think you were ever going to get that tray back together.


The Good Old Days
I got my foam out. :arms:

Now I can wholeheartedly confirm that re-foaming is a pain in the a$$.
To top it all off, I dug all the way to the bottom of the foam in my 16 year old SJ and never found any water.

Oh, well.

Lucky for me I never finished putting in my footholds otherwise I would have had a hard time removing the tray floor without having to destroy things.
So now I have 5200 all over the place and will be glassing things up tomorrow.

SuperJETT, I was going to run my 2" drain as close to the mid shaft carrier like you did but I don't think I have the room for it.
It seams that the carrier mounting bolts are in the way on my square nose.
Is yours a RN ?

Anyhoo, my schedule is tight and the fact that my friend wrecked his car last night isn't going to help. I'll still get the ski done by Monday and get his car fixed as well it's just going to take a few more curse words. :Banane01:


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So long and thanks for all the fish
Yep, I've got a 96.

One thing that may help is I used 'street' 45's, so the end that sticks in the bulkhead is smaller o.d. than a regular 45 would be.

No water huh? Well, at least you know. I had probably 20 lbs.
Looks good darin. I would have thought you would have to put more glass over the tray also to add strength. I have stepped on some trays that were cut and they had some give. I guess the way you foam makes a differance also. fill all the voids, you know.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Alright, I need some feedback.

I bought 2 quarts of a/b foam from a local boat repair company that buys it in 55 gallon drums. It's the same stuff sjweber used 2 years ago.

I barely got 1/2 of the ski foamed with that 2 quarts. When mixing, it would be like 90 seconds before anything started happening. This was in 65F weather. I also warmed it up for the last few pours and it was about the same, maybe slightly faster. I never felt in a hurry to mix and pour it as even once it started foaming, it wasn't super fast or anything.

I called the company today to get some more, and ended up talking to the owner who uses the stuff and he said within 45 seconds they have to pour it, and his numbers he got from the supplier is 2 gallons (1 of each) will net about 8 cu. ft. I had 1 quart of each, so that's 1/4 of 8 cu. ft. which would be 2 cu. ft.

Is 2 cu. ft. enough to fill a ski? I'm going to measure the ski to get a better idea, but my rough calculations give me around 3 cu. ft. so maybe it came out about right?

Which kit does everyone else buy and do you use it all?


New York Crew
Western New York
I believe I used the US composites 3lb kit, which is supposed to yield 5 cf. I only used about 2/3's of it as I recall. And in my heated 80 degree shop (last winter) I had about 20 seconds before the shiite starting going nutz on me.


South Jersey
Alright, I need some feedback.

I bought 2 quarts of a/b foam from a local boat repair company that buys it in 55 gallon drums. It's the same stuff sjweber used 2 years ago.

I barely got 1/2 of the ski foamed with that 2 quarts. When mixing, it would be like 90 seconds before anything started happening. This was in 65F weather. I also warmed it up for the last few pours and it was about the same, maybe slightly faster. I never felt in a hurry to mix and pour it as even once it started foaming, it wasn't super fast or anything.

I called the company today to get some more, and ended up talking to the owner who uses the stuff and he said within 45 seconds they have to pour it, and his numbers he got from the supplier is 2 gallons (1 of each) will net about 8 cu. ft. I had 1 quart of each, so that's 1/4 of 8 cu. ft. which would be 2 cu. ft.

Is 2 cu. ft. enough to fill a ski? I'm going to measure the ski to get a better idea, but my rough calculations give me around 3 cu. ft. so maybe it came out about right?

Which kit does everyone else buy and do you use it all?

I don't think 2 cu. ft. is enough at all. You figure your gunwale is about (complete estimation here):

10 inches high, 6 inches wide, 30 inches long ~ 1800 cu. in.

1728 cu. in. = 1 cu. ft.

1 cu. ft. X 2 gunwales = 2 cu. ft. plus the tray. I would think at least 3 - 4 cu. ft. in total.



So long and thanks for all the fish
I don't think 2 cu. ft. is enough at all. You figure your gunwale is about (complete estimation here):

10 inches high, 6 inches wide, 30 inches long ~ 1800 cu. in.

1728 cu. in. = 1 cu. ft.

1 cu. ft. X 2 gunwales = 2 cu. ft. plus the tray. I would think at least 3 - 4 cu. ft. in total.


I came up with 30x15x5 for the gunwales and 12x6x12 for the front section which ends up around 3 cu. ft.

I also talked to one of the workers there that actually uses it, and it sounds like this foam is a little slower than some others to start expanding. I'm picking up another 2 quarts this afternoon.


When I did my boat I bought the 16lb kit of 2lb US Composites foam. That was enough to do 2 boats easy. Mack had the same probelm you are having when he first did his boat. Is the name of the foam you are using "Foam It"? When we defoamed his boat that stuff was really hard, broke down with water exposure and did not expand that much. I would estimate it expaned at 1/2 the rate of the US composites stuff.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Alright, I'm foamed. I think a combination of factors hit me on Saturday: not using a mixer on the drill to mix it, cooler weather, humid weather. Today I had better weather and used a mixer on the drill to mix/agitate it and it expanded much quicker and hardened quickly. Oh well.
sorry just saw the post. Mine was slow when I did it. I did not mix it with power. I just mixed it and poored and waited. It did take quite a bit of time for it to rise up. once it did it was everywhere. Sorry so late. GLad you got it done..


So long and thanks for all the fish

25mm underpad with Watercraft Factory footholds.


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