For sure design costs money. Especially when actually designing something. The problem is that practically everything on the market now, is copied from something else. It's the same pump and engine technology that has been around for 20 years. No new innovation has happened. Just marketing practices have changed. Now words like billet, custom, machining, are used to impress. Back in the day, your idea itself is what impressed.
Make one pump mold and program your cnc to clean it up. Not rocket science. Basic machine. Basic procedure. Basic materials.. You can alter small things and get the suckers to think its a whole new item. The only reason the cost is so high, is because they know you will pay it. The markup and profit on machining like that is insane. I worked in a shop that did it got years. The veil doesn't work on me.
But if you want the bling, your gonna pay. The guys making the stuff know that. They will tout things like "look who wins champinoships" well when there are only 2 or 3 choices of item, and 1 or 2 are dominating the availability, its a no Brainer who's going to have what.
Again, the biggest and craziest I've seen a stand up jet ski go.was 10 years ago. Before any of this bling crap that just gets more expensive and out of reach every season.
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