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  1. BombThreat

    Non CGA vest

    this is what i use, its thin and comfy. while still cga
  2. BombThreat

    Opinions on rusty crank...

    the worst? kill the cases, kill the new topend, kill the reeds, kill the domes. id just do a complete rebuild.
  3. BombThreat

    What setup would work well with a 9/17?

    Ive heard a stock 650 works well with the 9/17
  4. BombThreat

    Bench Testing a motor???

    you need to connect a relay also, correct?
  5. BombThreat

    why didnt this octane sell ?

    Buddy of mine has a octane and when my sxr blew up he was nice enough to let me ride it for the next few weeks while i was waiting on parts/ect. After a few hours on it I was starting to get used to it and she'll carve nice, just its turns flat, not much leaning at all like a sxr. Fast as hell...
  6. BombThreat

    Happy Birthday SuperJETT!

    Just seen your Birthday was today. Just wanted to tell you thanks for the awesome site and hope your birthday is going awesome! :fest30::fest06::friday::party:
  7. BombThreat

    Other PWCTODAY is *uk'd up again....

    when your offline? i kid i kid
  8. BombThreat

    Need help with finding R&D M16 parts

    Thats awesome! You rock man. If I cant find one by then I'll take you up on that!
  9. BombThreat

    Need help with finding R&D M16 parts

  10. BombThreat

    Need help with finding R&D M16 parts

    I could get something to work but I'd much rather have exactly what RD offers. They have a slight angle to them and Id want it to be the same
  11. BombThreat

    Need help with finding R&D M16 parts

    I'm in a predicament here with a Yamaha 62T R&D M16 intake system that I have been piecing together. Not that I wanted to but it just worked out that way. I've pretty much hit a wall were I can not find a reed spacer for the system. It's unique to the system as the reed valves actually recess...
  12. BombThreat

    People love SKAT Mag Pumps, but does anybody run a Solas Pump

    Does anybody sell these pumps?
  13. BombThreat

    x-metal steering on SN>?

    2.5 is fine on mine
  14. BombThreat

    x-metal steering on SN>?

    really? was the pole a standard lenth? my plate is the -2.5 what was yours?
  15. BombThreat

    what type of ATF?

    break it free again?
  16. BombThreat

    x-metal steering on SN>?

    ive got a xmetal turn plate/bars w/ umi steering on a AC SN pole
  17. BombThreat

    RRP adjustable foot holds

    their on the new hull, they also mentioned they will be available separate. I'd call x-metal and see whats up
  18. BombThreat

    OK, Who fixes FPP Head Pipes?

    ive got one with 3 stuck screws but arent stripped... heat and pb blaster be enough or are there some tricks?
  19. BombThreat

    Pro Tec Trim pics

    gil why do you keep upping old threads?
  20. BombThreat

    SN or RN????

    sn fo sho
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