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  1. BombThreat

    Any gains drying out a stock pipe

    hmm first ive heard of this mod. sounds cool
  2. BombThreat

    superjet transformation

    looks good!
  3. BombThreat

    charging system swap

    flywheel wieghs something like .80lbs more then the 61x flywheel too.
  4. BombThreat

    So where are all you crazy Australians

    Im cool with the sharks
  5. BombThreat

    SN bandwagon build

    awesome job so far
  6. BombThreat

    So where are all you crazy Australians

    Hmm $600 isnt bad, although I wouldnt sell it...too much time and effert have gone into building it.
  7. BombThreat

    So where are all you crazy Australians

    Welp it looks like I'm most likely going to be shipped off to Aulstrailia for work for the next 3-4 months. I'm gonna try to get my ski to go with me but I don't know how that well that will be taken, ha.. Im wondering where about's you guys are over in the land down under. I'll be around...
  8. BombThreat

    leprechaunjohns build

    Looks good. Gonna be a PITA turfing the holds.
  9. BombThreat

    Octanes RULE!!!!!

    Also it leaps out of the water quite well. Much better then a SXR.
  10. BombThreat

    Octanes RULE!!!!!

    One of the guys in our crew has a Octane. It not being his primary boat when my SXR blew up he was nice enough to let me ride that until i got it fixed. That boat hooks up insane and can be pounded through the buoys. Just takes some getting used to like any other boat. I find the handling is...
  11. BombThreat

    SN Turfing Siderails over Plastic ones ?

    hmm i turfed only to the lip... What technique do you use to cut the turf at a angle and keep it consistent?
  12. BombThreat

    Does anyone know how to use a limited bipe in blaster 1.

    IMO, I'd just sell that pipe and find a accual blaster limited setup. That way later on you wouldnt have any trouble selling either pipes since they wont be all dented/ modified to fit.
  13. BombThreat

    The price you pay when you screw people!

    So was there a suit successfully filed against him?
  14. BombThreat


    nice lookin so far and moving at a strong pace stayin square..
  15. BombThreat

    Drilling another pulse fitting; location

    thanks Roo
  16. BombThreat

    Drilling another pulse fitting; location

    From lookin at other 62T cases there is a un-tapped spot for the second pulse fitting. Mine doesnt. Where's the best place to add the second fitting?
  17. BombThreat

    SuperJETT's squarenose topdeck conversion - COMPLETE

    I bet that would make a killer sled!
  18. BombThreat

    makin stuff

    Billet gas cap Custom easy turn carb adjuster nobs Fuel selector nob Billet couplers
  19. BombThreat

    701 or 650?

    with that pipe i'd guess 701... i havent seen a 650 with that before...
  20. BombThreat

    Where to look to buy a ski?

    here local classifieds
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