I am not convinced with the turf under the flame arrestors, to me any water that invariably ends up sat on top is prime to get sucked straight down the carb throats
I built a plywood box, put wood runners in bottom, trapping a ratchet strap, then screwed through bed plate holes into runners, using big wood screws and penny washers, wrapped ratchet strap over motor and tightened down
We bought 1105s when they very first came available , we imported them unseen into the U.K., and to be fair they’ve been absolutely fine, we have changed the pistons twice in 6 years and had them renikasiled here in U.K.
cant wait for the CV19 lockdown to end so we can go BRAAPP
If you have high spots on wear ring, you are wasting your time with that wear ring, the high spots are caused by corrosion between the aluminium housing and the stainless ring, best way is to have another ring fixed in place or a new ring. WSm do one with a replaceable plastic liner
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