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  1. snowxr

    Freestyle need help with x-metal trim kit ,only getting 18 deg. throw

    I agree that the supplied lever (Odyssey mtn. bike) is a poor choice. The plain steel hardware rusts, and not all of it can be replaced with off the shelf stainless hardware. The second time I rode the ski, the cable adjuster rattled loose and fell out. This was a blessing in disguise, because I...
  2. snowxr

    Super Jet 701 62t boring question

    It depends on your cylinder. A 61x and 62t 701 cylinders can go out to 83mm max, but add big bore sleeves, and you can build a 771 or bigger motor. A 62t 760 cylinder can be bored to 86mm, due to it's larger sleeves.
  3. snowxr

    Freestyle Jet Dynamics intake grate question

    By the looks of it, that grate was modificated to fit a B1 with a SJ pump shoe.
  4. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Cost in materials for a carbon hull?

    I've built my own molds, and built carbon hulls. Save yourself the labor and headache. Buy a BOB for what you'd spend to build your own. Here's something to ponder. From starting the molds to riding, we estimated 1000hrs of work for 2 people.
  5. snowxr

    Freestyle Good deal

    I've seen case porting quotes from $250-500. The ADA domes are provided, so you need a headshell to hold them. Girdled is best, because the porting weakens the cylinder. The girdle kit will keep the cylinder from breaking in half.
  6. snowxr

    Freestyle what premix ratio r u useing.

    50:1 here. Zero engine failures in 10yrs.
  7. snowxr

    Super Jet Can these cases be repaired?

    Yes, they can be welded. DON'T put them in a parts washer. That will get all kinds of oily solvent in the crack and pores in the metal, which will make the weld very bad. Stick them in the oven @275 for 30min. Then grind into the crack to open it up a little, which will give room for the weld to...
  8. snowxr

    Freestyle Good deal

    It's a good kit, but you still need to send them a 61x cylinder. Then you need to buy a head that uses ADA domes, and have your cases machined (and ported if you choose) to complete the package.
  9. snowxr

    Super Jet How many would want a lowered nosepiece/hood look for only 80 bucks?

    I like the one I have. It's an older design, but looks good. I think r-pot made it. The plug isn't even done? What happened to " I have a mold?"
  10. snowxr

    Other How do you bleed a Hydraulic trim system on an HX?

    You may need to pay a visit to your local bicycle shop, to see if they have a disk brake bleeding kit for your magura system.
  11. snowxr

    Other How do you bleed a Hydraulic trim system on an HX?

    Be very careful to only use the correct type of fluid. I doubt it's dot 5. Using the wrong fluid will damage all the seals.
  12. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 650sx Suggestions

    90-93 Superjets sell for $600-1800 around here. Well worth the money.
  13. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 650sx Suggestions

    650SX's are a fairly good ski to just go ride and have some fun. They're not very saught after, because 750's, and Superjets are worlds better at everything. At least the 650's aren't dropping in price, so you'll be able to sell it for $700 next year.
  14. snowxr

    Surfriding Kevins Area 51 super surf hull TWEEKER X-TREME build ....... maybe

    I was hoping you'd hired a band of minions to do all your dirty work. Sanding is for the weak minded.
  15. snowxr

    Super Jet hydroturf Question!!!!

    Unless your feet are huge rev's suck. They are cheap but poorly designed. The newer designs from Tom21, WCF, etc. have a lot more going for them.
  16. snowxr

    Super Jet hydroturf Question!!!!

    I never EVER buy a turf kit. I cut turf from my own patterns. (ok, it helps that I have my own brand of turf, and an endless supply of sheets) Footholds and placement are topics for endless debate here. Personally, I would lean toward Tom21 fotholds. They have lots of room for padding, and...
  17. snowxr

    Super Jet hydroturf Question!!!!

    Kickers are shaped to fit RN (96+) hulls. They require cutting and reshaping to fit a SN tray. That's probably the most likely reason that they don't offer a kicker kit for a SN. The RN turf kit will not work for a SN, because the turf will not be the right shapes to use on a SN.
  18. snowxr

    Other Trailer Strap

    When I worked at a Yamaha dealer the couches had them to strap down to their crates. We threw away hundreds. It's worth asking your local dealer for a couple.
  19. snowxr

    Other nikasil cyl.

    Yes, yes you can.
  20. snowxr

    Other tubbies?

    So....tubbies are good for chubbies?
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