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  1. snowxr

    Surfriding Kevins Area 51 super surf hull TWEEKER X-TREME build ....... maybe

    Should have hired that band of minions.....they work cheap, and appreciate a beating now and then.
  2. snowxr

    Other Snotocross!!

    I have one for my YZ. It's ok, but you're a hero if you can ride it fast.
  3. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    I've kept thinking that as things began to wear on this bike, then I would upgrade them. I already have a Cane Creek headset, Bontrager gel seat, and new tires, so it's not going too bad. Today I decided that my bottom bracket had a little play, and I took it all apart thinking I'd upgrade. It...
  4. snowxr

    What surf report do you guys trust the most?

    I just call Slutty's house. If it rings 7 times, surf's up!
  5. snowxr

    Blaster Crank seal question

    X2 it could be from the bendix, but the crank seal does have springs on both sides. It's possible that the seal may do it's job without one, but I wouldn't take that chance on my own motor. Seals are cheap, especially compared to cranks and pistons.
  6. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid TYPE 8 or Riva forward facing manfold?

    Not really, because the port shape and water jacket would no longer match the cylinder.
  7. snowxr

    Super Jet Name this pipe

    X2 it IS a Sizzler
  8. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Suerjet and Waverunner III simularities

    Every WRIII I've ever worked on had an aluminum pump tunnel that is too long to use in a stand up. The driveshaft is longer, and the pump wear ring is not threaded, so it doesn't fit a SJ without modification. The midshaft is long, but had a 90-93 SN style housing. The motor and pump stator...
  9. snowxr

    Other ski doo 3d craigslist anyone ridden one?

    It's WFO Shares are trading @ $.02 :chairfall:
  10. snowxr

    Other Wetbike

    I liked my original Wetbike. Slow, but fun.
  11. snowxr

    Other ski doo 3d craigslist anyone ridden one?

    I've ridden the 800 and 951 versions of 3d's The 800 sucks, but the 951 sucks less. I'd hesitate to own one, even if i was free.
  12. snowxr

    Damn wal-mart and their crappy return policy!

    Oh snap! Suzi's gonna get revenge on you (you're her new boyfriend) !!
  13. snowxr

    Damn wal-mart and their crappy return policy!

    Mmmm, chicken and waffles. I'd pose in my unmentionables for some o dat, too. pancake optional.
  14. snowxr

    Super Jet factory chamber

    There really isn't a 650 "limited" chamber. It's not even called a "b" pipe. Anyway, the 650 chamber is closer to a B-pipe mod chamber in size. They don't hit as hard as a true ltd or mod chamber.
  15. snowxr

    Damn wal-mart and their crappy return policy!

    LOL, you mentioned Ch***ie! Instant ban! or maybe just a little dab of thread lock.
  16. snowxr

    Damn wal-mart and their crappy return policy!

    Terry loves the drama too much to get banned. He needs it, or he'd have to seek therapy.
  17. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    Picked up a used tag along bike/trailer and reworked it for my 4yr old son to go on longer rides with me. He loves it, and we've put a lot of miles on it already. Tonight we rode into town to have dinner, and enjoyed a nice sunset along the lake on our way home. A good time was had by all.
  18. snowxr

    650/X-2 Finally got a ride plate but....

    I wouldn't worry about it as long as the bolt holes line up and it fits.
  19. snowxr

    Damn wal-mart and their crappy return policy!

    you just noticed?? lol, it's been there awhile.
  20. snowxr

    Damn wal-mart and their crappy return policy!

    LOL, classic. i remember seeing a sticker on a bike at walmart that stated " Do not use for freeride, downhill, dirt jump, or ANY hard riding " . WTF? I thought that's what mtn bikes were for!
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