Great facial expression, DJ. If you're willing to sand off all the paint, you could laminate a thin layer of glass or carbon onto the bottom. Or let it be, and repair when needed. Either way it may be the same amount of work.
I'm liking the pop bottle idea. I made my own nose foams a couple years ago with 2-part foam, but they can't possibly be as bouyant as a 2-liter. Pool noodles seem to be enough to keep a hood afloat.
Waverunner LX - original wr 500 body, with a 650 engine. The bedplates mate the newer twin motors to the old style motor mount spacing used in wavejammers and wr500s . I seem to remember the WJ and WR500 couplers being smaller diameter, too.
The bolt pattern is the same for all SJ intake grates. 2008 and newer SJ's have a slighty reshaped intake area, and some companies developed intake grates that are supposedly better for those skis.
Our Freestyle grate ( was developed and tested on 90-07 + 08-up SJ's as well as...
I've used it once over ten years ago. It can take a long time to cure in an enclosed space, and will eventually get wet and shrink. Not the best choice, but works in a pinch.
I'd send a PM to Godocgo. He's put a bunch of our aluminum pump shoes into B1's, and could give you some good tips on the install. For anyone else needing a B1 aluminum shoe, we make one that's specific for that model.
I use thickened epoxy resin for installiations in our shop...
Having a thickened resin will help you seal out water. Use it to glue the footholds to the tray when you rivet them in place. I like to completely fill the seams before glassing with straight epoxy resin. If you can't afford thickener, just cross your fingers and hope that water will not find...
X2. I have changed a few that were not damaged. Besides not losing an ntake grate or damaging my threaded hull inserts, I also offset the cost by selling the good oem shoes for $35 each. Winning!
The pump shoe is machined so that it fits the hull with little or no grinding at all. They are usually 140.5-141.5mm id. while the oem shoe is 142.7mm id. All hoes are drilled and tapped when needed for easy installation. They are $79 + shipping from in the Pro Shop.
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