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  1. crammit442

    IHOP's New Style 2008 24-7 Superjet Build *Completed*

    If the law really is 90dB at 5 ft you're gonna get a ticket with an x-metal waterbox if the cops actually measure. 90dB is not very loud. You might well get one with a dry stock box. The lack of performance increase/weight savings relative to the impact on the public opinion of jetskis in...
  2. crammit442

    Please Help Me Help A Good Friend and Fellow Rider!

    I've got a used crank that has a good bit of life left in it.
  3. crammit442

    daytona doing its impression of california

    WOW!! That's awesome. Hope it stays glassy like that for the ride!
  4. crammit442

    IHOP's New Style 2008 24-7 Superjet Build *Completed*

    What do you do when you get thrown out of your local riding spot because of your excessively loud x-metal waterbox? Will the OEM box go back in? I've never heard of anyone having a problem securing the x-metal box. Seems like a solution looking for a problem to me.
  5. crammit442

    Dry pipe solinoid done (last minute B4 Daytona)

    Summit gets to me in one day here in Alabama.
  6. crammit442

    waterbox Q?

    Check this out. This is what I was thinking looks like a hole. After looking at the other pics I think you're right. I'd still leave it stock.
  7. crammit442

    waterbox Q?

    What would make us think that the flow needs improving? The tubes and holes through the vertical baffle are already many times the cross sectional area of the pipe. I think it's more likely the flow might be "improved" too much? The boats I've played with that were running the currently popular...
  8. crammit442

    waterbox Q?

    IMO there is VERY little to be gained in the area of waterboxes. They actually work pretty well and modified or aftermarket boxes usually just make more noise and not power. Most of the popular AM boxes will make less power than stock.
  9. crammit442

    Wamilton Hood Repair

    Looking good. That's exactly the way I would've done it. Looks like someone gave you excellent technical advice.:icon16:
  10. crammit442

    TKO hull build. Thanks to Randy & Kevin

    Someone previously modified the chamber and moved the stinger outlet and removed the lord mount bracket. Randy had to relocate the stinger to the correct place and build a new lord bracket mount.:smile:
  11. crammit442

    NGK BR8ES plugs solid top

    Both BR8ES and BR8ES-11 are available with and without solid tips. The only difference is the 11 has a 1.1 mm gap out of the box. Good plug to use w/TL ignition.
  12. crammit442


    The only issue is getting 10mm in the 1.25 pitch locally. Mark's right. McMaster Carr has them and always gets there fast. The price is gonna be steep because you're gonna have to get the whole kit with tap,tool,inserts,etc. Might be better off finding someone on the board that has a kit to...
  13. crammit442

    race fuel

    If I can get the truck to come this way before Daytona I can bring any fuel VP sells. If anyone is interested, send me a PM and I can get you prices. If you happen to run MS-109 I have lots of that already.:smile:
  14. crammit442

    Freestyle Nozzle Cutouts?

    I shortened my skat/blowsion. Made it easier to pull.
  15. crammit442

    TKO hull build. Thanks to Randy & Kevin

    As you know, I've been following this pretty closely and it sounds like it's gonna be NICE.:biggthumpup:
  16. crammit442

    another cooling question

    There you go. You're not trying to restrict water to the bypass. You want to keep the waterbox dry. 2 or 3mm is plenty of water to cool the hose to the box. The FC valve will keep it completely dry until it opens and then you'll get a minimum amount of water in it. If you're concerned about...
  17. crammit442

    Extreme Back Pain....

    This is the company my bro got his chair from. He's gonna look and see if he can find which model he has. He said call and talk to them about your particular needs. It's big bucks but he says it's one of the most important reasons he's feeling pretty good these days.
  18. crammit442

    another cooling question

    Put the bypass on the 90 deg leg of the T and the FC vlave on the straight through leg. You're letting the water take the easiest path and not pop the valve the way it is in that pic. FPP does it the way Marz drew it because they are limiting flow to the waterbox with the bypass alone instead...
  19. crammit442

    Extreme Back Pain....

    My brother and I have both been water ski distance jumping for going on 30 years and he ended up w/two herniated discs. His pain sounds similar to yours. His solution after working with a GOOD PT has been stretching, no more jumping, and picking what physical activities he does. He used to...
  20. crammit442

    2008 ROLL CALL.......thread

    If you get a minute check the list on the roll call website. I added our stuff and it looks like there are others that aren't on this list. Thanks!:fing02:
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