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  1. crammit442

    Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE

    Does that mean he is knowingly charging it in a way that may damage the battery?:haha: Charles
  2. crammit442

    Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE

    First, I checked my charger and it's output is w/in the recommended specs. The instructions also say you can use a tender for maintenence of a charged battery. Like Matt said, the biggest issue is the fact that it took 6 weeks to get a replacement. They didn't even ask how it was charged...
  3. crammit442

    Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE

    I used an automatic 2/10/55 amp charger by Century. If it was low I used the 10 amp setting. 2 amp for occasional maintenence. The battey failure is a big issue, but the bigger issue is the near worthless 2 year warranty. If it takes 6 weeks to get a replacement, it's not really much of a...
  4. crammit442

    Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE

    They will get back to you via email, but the best bet is to give them a call. They're super nice guys. Charles
  5. crammit442

    Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE

    I also have had two fail. A Jetworks on a tender will last for years. Even running TL they last for years. A Battery Tender is better, but any low amp charger will work on a Jetworks battery. No need to get a special charger to go with your special battery. Also, try to get one...
  6. crammit442

    Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE

    I don't know that there's any real evidence that Matt's charger ruined his batteries. It may just be that they suck. Charles
  7. crammit442

    tnt chambers

    Maybe they don't make as much power as everyone thought.......:rolleyes: Charles
  8. crammit442

    Freestyle ignition curves

    Are you on race gas? If not, be careful. That's a fair amount of timing around 7000. Charles
  9. crammit442


    Was not knocking the system you have.:smile: Just saying it's pricey compared to the enhancer. Charles
  10. crammit442


    A LOT more. Charles
  11. crammit442

    Pic's Of Our New Born!!!!!

    Congrats! Time to start buying parts. :biggthumpup: Charles
  12. crammit442

    Another dual 44's tuning question

    Much less so if he has the correct jetting specs from the start. When I get my stuff back from Jetworks, even on wierd stroker stuff I'm usually within a jet size or two. If it's a combination he's built many times, it's normally within screw range. If I have a problem, I call Art and since...
  13. crammit442

    Another dual 44's tuning question

    Whoever built your motor and recommended the rest of your setup should be able to tell you this. Whoever did your port work and figured out the rest of your package should be able to get you within a jet size. He really should be able to get you within screw range. I'm sure you paid good...
  14. crammit442

    Can a plug just die?

    Use regular BR8ES plugs and change them FREQUENTLY. Your boat will run much better on fresh plugs. It' funny that most of us spend tons of cash on our boats and then won't spend 3 bucks on plugs every few tanks.(not referring to you MADMAT:smile: ) Buy them in boxes of at least 10 and change...
  15. crammit442

    stock hood mods??

    I found them at West Marine. They're attached w/5200. Still flows plenty of air too. Charles
  16. crammit442

    stock hood mods??

    This is what I did. Works well. VERY dry. Charles
  17. crammit442

    Another dual 44's tuning question

    Just because YOU can't figure out how to properly set one up doesn't make it worthless.:rolleyes: Lots of guys, including myself find them to be an important piece of the complete package. Many other engine builders recommend them also. PJS (Pro Jet Sports) thought they were so worthless that...
  18. crammit442

    MSD TL Analog

    That works well. You'll need to be extra precise because of the relatively small diameter of the couplers. Charles
  19. crammit442

    ignition question

    Counter clockwise advances timing. I personally would pass on running any additional advance on pump gas. Especially if you run WOT often. Charles
  20. crammit442

    who else is on the magoo list

    Jetworks,Team Scream, TLR,etc.... There are many other reputable builders. Charles
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