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  1. dbrutherford

    650 Yamaha in a 650sx?

    But you ride a super jet, you are part of the conspiracy man!
  2. dbrutherford

    701 Limited Chamber on a 650 Kawasaki?

    The manifold don't matter that much. The three bolt head pipe pattern is original 650 Kawasaki stock. FPP just used that bolt pattern for all the head pipes they used from then on out. So on Yamaha's they had to make their own exhaust manifolds. Most people prefer the WC manifold because...
  3. dbrutherford

    Suggestions on getting this bolt off.

    Try heating it up and melting candle wax onto th threads. Then try whatever wrench fits it best or needle nose vise grips. I have never done it but I hear the heat/wax trick works really well.
  4. dbrutherford

    Georgia Supercross

    Nope, wrong color bike. I was wrong, two people have done it!
  5. dbrutherford

    701 Limited Chamber on a 650 Kawasaki?

    I have never seen one of those two piece pipes in person. But I have some pictueres I have saved from eBay or the forums over the years. I snagged a super clean, brand new FPP for a 650 Kaw last year off of eBay. I got the whole pipe and a 750 dry pipe manifold for 260 shipped. I would...
  6. dbrutherford

    SX-R Solas Mag Pump from Impros

    That's ok, I am at work, I have time... just kidding. Make sure you post some pics of it installed and I won't ask for anything else. Besides what do you need an up trim on an SXR for? You gonna do backies or something?
  7. dbrutherford

    650 Yamaha in a 650sx?

    I had a lightly modified 650 X2 and a friend had a stock 650 Square. The X2 would beat the SJ out of the hole and on top end all day. I think a lot of people on here are making unfair comparissons. I for one am a Kawie X2 fan. But I will be the first to say I would like to have a lamey...
  8. dbrutherford

    650 Yamaha in a 650sx?

    Yes you will need a specific manifold to put a SBN 44 onto your Kawasaki 650 engine. As far as jets go, I don't know.
  9. dbrutherford

    SX-R Solas Mag Pump from Impros

    I have a few older catalogues where they were in them. One is a 2002 or 2003 Parts Unlimited. The other is an actual Solas catalogue my old dealer picked up at a boat show liek SEMA for cars. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't malone use Solas pumps for years and the first EME's came with...
  10. dbrutherford

    Paint Design for DJKorns 09 Trinity

    Do some 80's splatter paint with those colors!
  11. dbrutherford

    Georgia Supercross

    MC did rule supercross for years. He almsot won three title on three different brands. I remeber when he rattled off 13 victories straight, lost one, and won the last race of the year. I thought to myself no one will ever be able to top that, but someone did... RC. Just like when RC won...
  12. dbrutherford

    650 Yamaha in a 650sx?

    Justin, what all have you done to your 650?
  13. dbrutherford

    800cc on the cheap. 10mm+ stroker with lamey cylinders

    Are thosw Kawasaki 650 Intakes?
  14. dbrutherford

    650 Yamaha in a 650sx?

    I can't believe everyone is arguing over 650's haha ALL 650's ARE WEAK!
  15. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    Run it with no grips, turf, stickers, and nose cover to save a few more pounds...
  16. dbrutherford

    Georgia Supercross

    But he and Reed both have something in common... They both couldn't beat RC. There were some great battles last year outdoors between RC and Bubba. I kept thinking bubba was gonna beat RC and then somehow, RC turned it up a notch and passed Bubba or Bubba wrecked.
  17. dbrutherford

    SXR Differences

    I believe the 03's used the old style ignition that the 750 SXi Pro used. 2004+ had the new digitial ignition. I wouldn't sweat it too much if the ski you are looking at buying is an 03.
  18. dbrutherford

    Georgia Supercross

    That sand section looked like it would suck to be behind someone in! Bubba is just too good. At this point, I think all Reed can hope for is that Bubba gets hurt. Otherwise all he sill ever see is the back of number 7. You should have seen the slow motion replay of teh start on TV. Reed...
  19. dbrutherford

    SXR 800 broken rod

    Now I thought that was cool unil the next year, I did the same thing to my engine :(
  20. dbrutherford

    SXR 800 broken rod

    This ought to make you feel better. This was my friend's old 88 650 SX engine that let go. It took out the starter and almost punched a hole in the bottom of the ski.
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