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  1. BombThreat

    WTF Atlantic Jetsports

    Got any crackers? I was just venting fella's. I understand things come up or something happens. I am mostly frustrated because I called the shop the day after I placed the order just to be sure everything was O.K. So with that I got the impression the order would be shipping probally...
  2. BombThreat

    WTF Atlantic Jetsports

    I ORDERED B4 THEY TOOK THE WEEK OFF. I guess it takes 3 days to process, pick and ship a order.
  3. BombThreat

    WTF Atlantic Jetsports

    So I placed my order early last week... the same time I placed orders with other companies in FL, MO, and CA... I got all those already but still waiting on my ordered with all the important stuff!. I cant even leave a message with them. Total BS.
  4. BombThreat

    jetpilot insiders?

    i was planning on ordering a bunch of JP stuff but I think i will take my money elsewhere. i hate backorders
  5. BombThreat

    I cut it!!!

    how is this mod for the ganguly tall people? 6'2" ish
  6. BombThreat

    Suggestions for a good setup

    I called MSD and they do have the manual for the 4270 but can only fax it to me... Hopefully I can get that tmrw at work. But I wanted to share some more information I found. I checked my modules and they are the following: 5deg/1000 Retard Rate, 4400 Low Retard RPM, and 8800 High Speed RPM...
  7. BombThreat

    Suggestions for a good setup

    Im really new to pwc's. As Ive only been around them a year and I just bought the modified ski. Thats why Im looking for your help so I dont blow this thing up because my lack of experence. #0 - Im probally going to haveto change the foam as its been in there probally 8 years. Using 110...
  8. BombThreat

    Suggestions for a good setup

    Oh yeah does anyone know how long the foam in tanks last? The stuff in my tank has been in there for a while but the ski hasnt been used much...
  9. BombThreat

    Suggestions for a good setup

    Well this is what I have and I want to work on getting more low-end punch without killing mid-top end totally. I wanna rip on it a little bit:biggrin: I wondering what size prop would be best, what moduales would be best for the MSD TL... 61X with race porting 62T with race porting 81mm...
  10. BombThreat

    New Yamaha 900 at Havasu 2 weekends ago?

    yamaha wouldn't make another 2 stroke again anyway. production could only last 1 year... 2009 is the year 2 stroke pwc's will be gone. if it was 900cc then its a 4 stroke.
  11. BombThreat

    why the junk are you not on the water today!

    b/x its still cold and my trailer isnt registered!
  12. BombThreat

    My deal of an SJ

    sweet dude! hey do you do graphics? im looking for something kinda retro but new style for my 93" superjet. Also looking for something cool for my SXR. PM me.
  13. BombThreat

    Lets play guess that porting

    Yeah thats to the deck, I measured both the stock cylinder and the ported. Stock reads right about 120mm from bottom to top and the ported one read about a 1mm longer... But that one was more difficult to measure since its still attached to the cases. Id imagaine they are both the same. So...
  14. BombThreat

    Lets play guess that porting

    Alright I finnally got those measurements. The ported cylinder has 35.5mm and I took a measurement of a stock 61x ive got laying here. That's 40mm. So if this in fact a racing ported cylinder would it be advicable to switch to a stock ported cylinder which I have readly avalible here with...
  15. BombThreat

    Oh shes hurtin..

    Alright, well i think ill be at least filling the stuff on the bottom. Im not exactly sure why this is in bad shape but its not from me!. Ther owner I bought it from got it as a dealer demo and he lived in a rocky section of a cape. So you do the math.
  16. BombThreat

    note to self, dont do subs in shallow water

    nice gash!
  17. BombThreat

    Oh shes hurtin..

    Yup my beloved SXR is hurtin. Shes got stress cracks and chips all across the bottom. I spoke with a buddy of mine for tips on how to fix these i wanted to get your guys second, third, forth, ect lol opinions. Basically in order to fix cracks. They need to be chamfer'd out (cut a V into...
  18. BombThreat

    We need a Upstate NY crew

    your probally right too...
  19. BombThreat

    Lets play guess that porting

    I cant take pictures of the bottom, its mounted on the engine still. Ill get a measurement too. I'd like to note that I know the boat this engine came from was built for mod racing but that was back in 1994 or 1995. In my little mind and what the guy was telling me people were JUST starting...
  20. BombThreat

    Ebay Big Bore Cylinder

    you werent very understandable in your posts, try making complete paragraphs:)
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